Friday, May 20, 2022

FW: aneinu] Tehillim Project VIII - Tehillim 83 - Thursday, May 19 - 5782

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Date: 5/20/22 12:17 AM (GMT-06:00)
To: Chicago Aneinu <>
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Tehillim Project VIII - Tehillim 83 - Thursday, May 19 - 5782

From: Persian Hebrew Congregation <>
Sent: Thu, May 19, 2022 8:58 pm
Subject: Tehillim Project VIII - Tehillim 83 - Thursday, May 19 - 5782

Please have extra Kavanah (concentration) for the situation in Ukraine.
Thursday, May 19 – י"ח אייר
Tehillim 84
The next four perakim were composed by the Sons of Korach. This perek is the one we recite at the beginning of the Mincha Service.
The Radak explains that this psalm was inspired by the episode where David runs from Shaul to Philistia. David desired to return to Yerushalayim. Just as a bird always seeks to return to its nest because it is most comfortable in its own dwelling place, so too, Am Yisrael has its own affinity for Eretz Yisrael, Yerushalayim and more specifically the place of the Beit HaMikdash.
By yearning for Eretz Yisrael we will one day merit to return to our holy land.
Segula for this perek: For one who lost weight due to an illness. (From the Sefer Shimush Tehillim attributed to Rav Hai Gaon (969 -1038).)
פרק פ"ד
א.  לַמְנַצֵּחַ עַל הַגִּתִּית לִבְנֵי קֹרַח מִזְמוֹר:
ב.  מַה יְּדִידוֹת מִשְׁכְּנוֹתֶיךָ יְהֹוָה צְבָאוֹת:
ג.  נִכְסְפָה וְגַם כָּלְתָה | נַפְשִׁי לְחַצְרוֹת יְהֹוָה לִבִּי וּבְשָׂרִי יְרַנְּנוּ אֶל אֵל חָי:
ד.  גַּם צִפּוֹר | מָצְאָה בַיִת וּדְרוֹר קֵן | לָהּ אֲשֶׁר שָׁתָה אֶפְרֹחֶיהָ אֶת מִזְבְּחוֹתֶיךָ יְהֹוָה צְבָאוֹת מַלְכִּי וֵאלֹהָי:
ה.  אַשְׁרֵי יוֹשְׁבֵי בֵיתֶךָ עוֹד יְהַלְלוּךָ סֶּלָה:
ו.  אַשְׁרֵי אָדָם עוֹז לוֹ בָךְ מְסִלּוֹת בִּלְבָבָם:
ז.  עֹבְרֵי | בְּעֵמֶק הַבָּכָא מַעְיָן יְשִׁיתוּהוּ גַּם בְּרָכוֹת יַעְטֶּה מוֹרֶה:
ח.  יֵלְכוּ מֵחַיִל אֶל חָיִל יֵרָאֶה אֶל אֱלֹהִים בְּצִיּוֹן:
ט.  יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהִים צְבָאוֹת שִׁמְעָה תְפִלָּתִי הַאֲזִינָה אֱלֹהֵי יַעֲקֹב סֶלָה:
י.  מָגִנֵּנוּ רְאֵה אֱלֹהִים וְהַבֵּט פְּנֵי מְשִׁיחֶךָ:
יא.  כִּי טוֹב יוֹם בַּחֲצֵרֶיךָ מֵאָלֶף בָּחַרְתִּי הִסְתּוֹפֵף בְּבֵית אֱלֹהַי מִדּוּר בְּאָהֳלֵי רֶשַׁע:
יב.  כִּי שֶׁמֶשׁ | וּמָגֵן יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהִים חֵן וְכָבוֹד יִתֵּן יְהֹוָה לֹא יִמְנַע טוֹב לַהֹלְכִים בְּתָמִים:
יג.  יְהֹוָה צְבָאוֹת אַשְׁרֵי אָדָם בֹּטֵחַ בָּךְ:
1.  For the conductor, on the gittith, of the sons of Korah, a song.
2.  How beloved are Your dwelling places, O Lord of Hosts!
3.  My soul yearns, yea, it pines for the courts of Hashem; my heart and my flesh pray fervently to the living God.
4.  Even a bird found a house and a swallow her nest, where she placed her chicks upon Your altars, O Lord of Hosts, my King and my God.
5.  Fortunate are those who stay in Your house; they will continually praise You forever.
6.  Fortunate is the man who has strength in You, in whose heart are the highways.
7.  Transgressors in the valley of weeping make it into a fountain; also with blessings they enwrap [their] Teacher.
8.  They go from host to host; he will appear to God in Zion.
9.  Hashem, God of Hosts, hearken to my prayer; bend Your ear, O God of Jacob, forever.
10.  See our shield, O God, and look at the face of Your anointed.
11.  For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand; I chose to sit on the threshold of the house of My God rather than dwell in tents of wickedness.
12.  For a sun and a shield is Hashem, God. Hashem will give grace and glory; He will not withhold good from those who go with sincerity.
13.  Hashem of Hosts, fortunate is the man who trusts in You.

Persian Hebrew Congregation
3820 Main Street
Skokie, IL 60076

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