Thursday, May 19, 2022

Fwd: 🔥 3 is the magic number!

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From: Koren Publishers Jerusalem: Newsletter <>
Date: Thu, May 19, 2022, 9:30 AM
Subject: 🔥 3 is the magic number!
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Let's be friends!

New episode out now!

The Value of Friendship with Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz and Rabbi Shalom Rosner.
Rabbi Rosner and Rabbi Lebowitz have been friends and hevrutot for more than 20 years and, together, have become two of the leading Torah teachers today. On top of their pastoral and professional duties, both deliver daf yomi shiurim online to thousands upon thousands of people every day, to say nothing of their respective halakha, parasha, tanakh, hashkafa, and many other shiurim besides.

We spoke about their friendship and its importance on their journeys to becoming leaders of Modern Orthodoxy today, their inspirations, the value of friendship in general, and what it takes to build successful, modern orthodox communities in America and in Israel.

It was such an honor to spend time in the presence of these two truly great friends as they shared words of inspiration, words of Torah, and teased each other just a little bit.

Listen now!

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