Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Fwd: Celebrating Israel, Starting Iyar, Remembering Rav Aharon Lichtenstein

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From: YUTorah <office@yutorah.org>
Date: Tue, May 3, 2022, 11:08 AM
Subject: Celebrating Israel, Starting Iyar, Remembering Rav Aharon Lichtenstein
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

New on YUTorah this Week

Yeshiva University

Center for the Jewish Future

April 3-9 • Iyar 2-8

This learning on the site this week was sponsored:

לעילוי נשמות מאיר בן ברוך, יצחק יעקב בן אברהם ואסתר מלכה בת אברהם

by Mindy and Seymour Liebman l'ilui nishmas Mindy's father, William Kantrowitz (YU48), זאב בן נפתלי

in loving memory of Anshel Yitzchok ben Aharon, Anshie Eiger, on his first yahrzeit


by Yanky and Adina Deutsch and family l'zecher nishmas Chana Libe bas Yaakov Deutsch on her third yahrzeit

by Sharon and Jeffrey Frieling to commemorate the 7th yahrtzeit of Yaakov ben Yitzchok / Mr Jack Frieling

by Gabriel and Aliza Sosne in honor of the wedding of Chaim Gruen and Hadassah Sosne

New This Week

Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman

Destruction vs. Disruption: The Values of Shemittah in the Modern World
Opening Remarks at the first annual Bella and Harry Wexner Kollel Elyon Conference

Listen Now
Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman

Maintaining Dignity When Giving Tzedakah
The extent to which Chazal were focused on protecting the dignity of the person receiving tzedakah can be surprising at first.

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Rabbi Meir Goldwicht

Shevi'i shel Pesach and Yom Ha'atzmaut (Hebrew)
Why are the last day of Pesach and Yom Ha'atzmaut always on the same day of the week?

Listen Now
Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz

Learning Pirkei Avos After Pesach and in the Summertime
What is the source of this custom of learning and why do we do it?

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Rabbi Hershel Schachter

Foundations and Fundamentals of Talmud Torah
What is the optimal way to approach a topic in gemara or halacha and when can you start saying svaros and chiddushim?

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Rabbi Ezra Schwartz

The Laws of Bikur Cholim

The start of a new mini-series on the laws of Aveilus.

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Featured This Week

Shiurim on Yom Hazikaron

What is the religious significance of Yom Hazikaron, and how does it transition to Yom Haatzmaut?

Browse the Shiurim
Reishit Tzmichat Ge'ulateinu

The founding of the State of Israel is something more than just an independence day for the Jewish people. Learn more about the religious and historical significance of the Jewish state and what it means for us today.

Browse the Shiurim
Understanding the Month of Iyyar

What is the role of the month of Iyyar in the transition from leaving Egypt to Matan Torah? Why is this considered the month of refuah?

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