Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Fwd: Chap Arein... a double learning!

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From: Sichos in English <>
Date: Wed, May 4, 2022, 6:59 AM
Subject: Chap Arein... a double learning!
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2 Iyar, 5782 - May 3, 2022
Chap Arein... a double learning!



You may have noticed some excitement surrounding the production of Vayikra, the third volume of the sought-after Selections from Likkutei Sichos series. Perhaps, as an owner of the first two volumes you hurried to the store to claim the newest addition to the series. If you did that, you must have been met with disappointment upon hearing that Vayikra sold out completely within the first short week of its arrival. 


Here, at Sichos in English, we immediately acted and placed a second order for the already-popular third volume. However, despite our greatest efforts, delivery delays made the arrival of this newest sefer unpredictable. 


Now, despite the behind the scenes hurdles, we are proud to share that Vayikra is available for purchase online and in stores.


Though the timing is not as initially intended, you can still chap arein and cash in on the opportunity to learn the last few parshiyos of Chumash Vaykira, the sidrah we are currently in the middle of learning, with the Rebbe's insights and eye-opening explanations. As a courtesy to our loyal followers eagerly awaiting this newest volume, a Parshas Kedoshim sicha is attached, so you can get a taste of Vayikra from the Rebbe's perspective.




The select Sichos in Vayikra are also relevant to the Sefiras Haomer time period. Counting the Omer is also recognized as a time of inner work where individuals should turn inward, taking inventory of their character and refining their middos. The detailed halachos in Chumash Vayikra are brought home and made practical in sichos that view these laws through the lens of a Jew's relationship with Hashem. The halachos are nuanced and involved but also very personal to a Jew's avodah of self refinement. The Rebbe's sichos bring to surface the reviving waters and life-enhancing messages that saturate the pesukim which otherwise can seem technical and dry. Learning these sichos will aid in transforming one's weaknesses into strengths and vices into virtues.


As you count the daily Omer, allow Selections from Likkutei Sichos to illuminate your learning, understanding, and ultimately, your life. 


May this learning enhance your preparation for Z'man Matan Toraseinu!


Rabbi Shmuly Avtzon

Director, Sichos in English

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