Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Fwd: Mazel Tov to Jews Everywhere!

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Date: Wed, May 18, 2022, 7:39 PM
Subject: Mazel Tov to Jews Everywhere!
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Hundreds of thousands have just (today) completed studying the entirety of Torah law—in unison! 
Mazel Tov!
The Maimonides "entire Torah" study program has just been completed for the 41st time!

By the Grace of G-d

Dear Mr. Chroman,

Mazel Tov! Congratulations!

Congratulations to the countless thousands across the globe who are completing today the study of the entirety of Torah law—in unison! And mazel tov to us all, as we join them in celebration!

In accordance with a special study cycle initiated by the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, a portion of the 14-volume compendium of Jewish law by Maimonides (Rambam) is studied daily, and the entire opus completed annually.

People from all walks of life, of every level of knowledge and scholarship, unite in studying this unique and essential Torah work, the only one that comprehensively and succinctly encompasses the entirety of the Torah's laws!

Today, Iyar 17th (Wednesday, May 18), marks the conclusion of the 41st annual study cycle. The 42nd global Maimonides learning cycle begins tomorrow, Thursday, 18 Iyar, May 19th.

Whether you have loads of prior Torah knowledge or none at all:
Now is the perfect time to begin studying Rambam daily!

Every year more people experience the joy and exhilaration of this extraordinary system of Jewish scholarship and Jewish unity—and are grateful that they did!

There are three tracks to this study schedule, enabling each individual to join at their own pace:

We invite you to join the countless individuals worldwide who have made this daily study part of their lives. Here are six great features to take advantage of:

  1. Not sure where to start? Find Hebrew and English texts, and lots of video and audio classes in our Daily Study section, or on our handy (and newly revamped) Daily Study app.
  2. Subscribe to the Daily Mitzvah email and receive an email each day with the text of the daily mitzvah.
  3. Known for their lucid and easy-to-follow style, Rabbi Yehoshua B. Gordon's classes are a great place to start!
  4. On the run? Get a quick rundown of the daily 3 chapters with Rabbi Raleigh Resnick.
  5. If you choose the one-chapter-a-day track, a quick quiz after each chapter will keep your memory fresh. Check out a sample here.
  6. And for those who join the "daily mitzvah" track, "Our 613" is a wonderful option featuring Rebbetzins from all over the world discussing today's Mitzvot! Look for it at the daily Mitzvah page.

Find out more about this special study cycle and celebration, and join the new cycle!

With joyful Torah blessings to you and all yours, and happy Lag BaOmer!

The Team

P.S. Tonight is a special day: Lag Baomer! Find out what it signifies and how to celebrate at

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