Thursday, May 26, 2022

Fwd: Parnes Hayom Opportunities and Your Weekly Devar Torah

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From: All Parsha <>
Date: Thu, May 26, 2022, 12:32 PM
Subject: Parnes Hayom Opportunities and Your Weekly Devar Torah
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All Parsha
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Parnes Hayom - Sponsor A Day Of Learning

Parnes Hayom - Sponsor A Day Of Learning


Please join us as we celebrate All Parsha's one-year anniversary!

Over the past year, over 30,000 learners have been impacted by All Parsha, totaling more than 21,000 hours learned! Many visited for a short Devar Torah, while others learned Parsha in-depth with Rashi, Ramban, and many other options.

Our easy-to-use interface, content neatly categorized, and special content unique to All Parsha give the user a smooth and uplifting experience. We invite you to partner with us to continue our growth. Together we will continue to spread more Torah and inspire more Jews worldwide.

Sponsor the Limud HaTorah to commemorate the yahrzeit of a loved one, as a zechus for a shidduch or refuah, or in honor of a magid shiur. How about a week to celebrate your Bar Mitzvah Parsha?

Your Parnes Hayom or Parnes HaShavua dedication will impact thousands of Jews and be prominently displayed on the All Parsha app and website.


Moshe Brandsdorfer            Moshe Schwed

Executive Director, Torah Initiatives        Director, All Parsha


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Bechukosai 5782

Bechukosai 5782


Duration: 50:39


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Bechukosai 5782: The Magic Word

Bechukosai 5782: The Magic Word


Duration: 3:46


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Bechukosai 5782

Bechukosai 5782


Duration: 31:58


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Bechukosai 5782

Bechukosai 5782


Duration: 7:55


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Bechukosai 5782: Erchin and Temurah - the Value of Life

Bechukosai 5782: Erchin and Temurah - the Value of Life


Duration: 5:12


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What Motivates Us?

What Motivates Us?


Duration: 7:03


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