Thursday, May 26, 2022

Fwd: Remembering Rabbi Stolper ztz"l; Yerushalayim: A Unifying Force; NCSY Teens in Romania

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Date: Thu, May 26, 2022, 8:13 PM
Subject: Remembering Rabbi Stolper ztz"l; Yerushalayim: A Unifying Force; NCSY Teens in Romania
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The Beginnings of NCSY: Remembering Rabbi Pinchas Stolper ztzl
The Beginnings of NCSY: Remembering Rabbi Pinchas Stolper ztz"l
Orthodox Union

With profound sadness, the Orthodox Union joins the Jewish world in mourning the passing of Rabbi Pinchas Stolper, ztz"l. Rabbi Stolper was a trailblazing pioneer in the education of Jewish teens; he served as the first full-time national director of NCSY and as the longest serving executive vice president of the Orthodox Union.


During more than forty years of working with Jewish youth, Rabbi Stolper built the NCSY movement from coast to coast. His work with NCSY directly impacted multitudes of Jewish households and played a defining role in Jewish life in the global Orthodox Jewish community for the past several decades. He created and developed modalities of experiential Jewish learning and living that have become the standard for inspiring commitment in Jewish students around the world. Rabbi Stolper subsequently assumed a broader role in communal leadership, serving as Executive Vice President of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America for eighteen years.


Rabbi Stolper was a widely respected teacher, educator and thinker. A devoted disciple of Rabbi Yitzchak Hutner ztz"l, he was a musmach of the Mesivta Rabbi Chaim Berlin / Gur Aryeh Kollel and held degrees from Brooklyn College and the Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research. A prolific writer and editor, he was responsible for over 20 volumes and hundreds of articles on Jewish life and thought.


Rabbi Stolper was the husband of Rebbetzin Elaine Stolper, and father of Rebbetzin Michal Cohen, Rabbi Akiva Stolper and Malki Kaweblum a"h. For shiva information click here.

Read an article Rabbi Stolper wrote in 1994 about the formative years of NCSY
Yerushalayim—A Unifying Force
Yerushalayim—A Unifying Force
Rabbi Moshe Hauer

OU Executive Vice President Rabbi Moshe Hauer reflects on Yom Yerushalayim 5782, which will be celebrated on Sunday, May 29.

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NCSY Teens Head to Romania to Help Ukrainian Jewish Orphans
NCSY Teens Head to Romania to Help Ukrainian Jewish Orphans
NCSY Relief Missions

NCSY teens traveled to Romania for the first of several relief missions to help Ukrainian Jewish orphans displaced by war.

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PARSHAT BECHUKOTAI May 27-28, 2022 / 27 Iyar 5782


HAFTARAH Jeremiah 16:19-17:14


THIS SHABBAT Mevarchim HaChodesh for the month of Sivan


SPECIAL DAYS Yom Yerushalayim is celebrated on Sunday, May 29. Rosh Chodesh Sivan is celebrated on Tuesday, May 31. Yom Hamechuyas is observed on Wednesday, June 1. The Shloshet Yemei Hagbalah begin on Thursday, June 2.

Around the OU
OU EVP Rabbi Moshe Hauer on Crisis Response
OU EVP Rabbi Moshe Hauer on Crisis Response

Rabbi Hauer talks about how the OU is able to respond to multiple crises at once.

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Gun Control in Halachah
Gun Control in Halachah
Joshua Flug

If you drive around different parts of the US long enough, you are likely to encounter two bumper stickers asserting two contradictory ideas.

Read in Jewish Action
ASK OU Program—August 8 and August 22
ASK OU Program—August 8 and August 22
OU Kosher

Join our one-week training program this summer—for those involved in kashrus, those wanting to get involved and even those who are just curious.

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Women's Initiative Shavuot Ideas and Inspiration
Women's Initiative Shavuot Ideas and Inspiration
OU Women's Initiative

Listen to Shavuot inspiration from Mrs. Ilana Toweg on "A Conversation With a Shmitta Farmer" and Mrs. Michal Horowitz on "From Moavite to Malchut: Lessons from the Book of Ruth."

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Actively Engaging Women—From Women's Branch to the Women's Initiative
Actively Engaging Women—From Women's Branch to the Women's Initiative

Listen to a fascinating dialogue with Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman, founding director, OU Women's Initiative, and Mrs. Nancy Klein, past president of the OU's Women's Branch on Tuesday, May 31, at 11:00 AM EDT.

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Licking the Batter Is the Best Part!
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Rabbi Ephraim Glatt, Esq.

What bracha do you make when licking the beaters—mezonos or shehakol? Learn more with Halachic Highlights!

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A Bittersweet Guarantee
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Mitzvah Mindset
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Rebbetzin Shira Smiles

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Q&A Potpourri #1: Gabriel, St. Patrick and Where Do We Buy Our Pants?
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The Politics of Responsibility
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Covenantal politics is moral politics. This is statehood not as a matter of power but of ethical responsibility.

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Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

Our unconscious knows our authentic inner preferences very well. So much so that no matter what our conscious plans are, our feet take us to where we really want to be.

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Women's Initiative Weekly Parsha Series—Parshat Bechukotai
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Mrs. Rachel Baum

Connection through criticism: finding Hashem's love for us through the tochacha.

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Why Is It That This Ruling of the Rambam Is Not Followed?
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Halacha Yomis

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Foundation of Faith
Rabbi Norman Lamm ztz"l

In all of Judaism, the principle of kedushah is protected from the danger of over-familiarity.

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Steven Genack

Learn about the rich history of chocolate, the kashrut sensitivities involved in the production of chocolate and chocolate's connection to serotonin.

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Featured Company: Pure Southern Honey
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OU Kosher

Crafted in South Georgia, Pure Southern Honey is 100% raw, unfiltered, single sourced and never heated. From their hives to your table, you will discover a honey that is truly one of a kind.

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Featured Products
Torah Beloved: The Gibber Family Edition
Torah Beloved: The Gibber Family Edition
OU Press

Torah Beloved, a collection of sermons relating to the festival of Shavuot, the giving of the Torah and the love of Torah, expresses the Jewish attitude with the eloquence and felicity for which Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm ztz"l is renowned.

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The Crowns on the Letters
The Crowns on the Letters
OU Press

Rabbi Ari Kahn's The Crowns on the Letters is an immensely learned and deeply creative interpretation of many fundamental aggadot relating to the intellectual biographies of the Tannaim and Amoraim.

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OU Kosher Positions
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