Tuesday, June 28, 2022

FW: [caneinu] Tehillim Project VIII - Tehillim 119 - Kuf, Reish, Shin & Tav - Tuesday, June 28 - 5782

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From: 'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu <chicago-aneinu@googlegroups.com>
Date: 6/28/22 2:07 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: Chicago Aneinu <myysbyy@aol.com>
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Tehillim Project VIII - Tehillim 119 - Kuf, Reish, Shin & Tav - Tuesday, June 28 - 5782

From: Persian Hebrew Congregation <persianhebrewcong@gmail.com>
Sent: Tue, Jun 28, 2022 1:27 am
Subject: Tehillim Project VIII - Tehillim 119 - Kuf, Reish, Shin & Tav - Tuesday, June 28 - 5782

Please have extra Kavanah (concentration) for the situation in Ukraine.
Tuesday, June 28 – כ"ט סיון
Tehillim 119
פרק קי"ט (ק'-ת')
Segula for "Kuf": For one who has pain in the left foot/leg. (From the Sefer Shimush Tehillim attributed to Rav Hai Gaon (969 -1038).)
קמה.  קָרָאתִי בְכָל לֵב עֲנֵנִי יְהֹוָה חֻקֶּיךָ אֶצֹּרָה:
קמו.  קְרָאתִיךָ הוֹשִׁיעֵנִי וְאֶשְׁמְרָה עֵדֹתֶיךָ:
קמז.  קִדַּמְתִּי בַנֶּשֶׁף וָאֲשַׁוֵּעָה לִדְבָרְךָ (כתיב לִדְבָרְיךָ) יִחָלְתִּי:
קמח.  קִדְּמוּ עֵינַי אַשְׁמֻרוֹת לָשִׂיחַ בְּאִמְרָתֶךָ:
קמט.  קוֹלִי שִׁמְעָה כְּחַסְדֶּךָ יְהֹוָה כְּמִשְׁפָּטֶךָ חַיֵּנִי:
קנ.  קָרְבוּ רֹדְפֵי זִמָּה מִתּוֹרָתְךָ רָחָקוּ:
קנא.  קָרוֹב אַתָּה יְהֹוָה וְכָל מִצְו‍ֹתֶיךָ אֱמֶת:
קנב.  קֶדֶם יָדַעְתִּי מֵעֵדֹתֶיךָ כִּי לְעוֹלָם יְסַדְתָּם:
Segula for "Resh": For one who has a pain in the right ear. (From the Sefer Shimush Tehillim attributed to Rav Hai Gaon (969 -1038).)
קנג.  רְאֵה עָנְיִי וְחַלְּצֵנִי כִּי תוֹרָתְךָ לֹא שָׁכָחְתִּי:
קנד.  רִיבָה רִיבִי וּגְאָלֵנִי לְאִמְרָתְךָ חַיֵּנִי:
קנה.  רָחוֹק מֵרְשָׁעִים יְשׁוּעָה כִּי חֻקֶּיךָ לֹא דָרָשׁוּ:
קנו.  רַחֲמֶיךָ רַבִּים | יְהֹוָה כְּמִשְׁפָּטֶיךָ חַיֵּנִי:
קנז.  רַבִּים רֹדְפַי וְצָרָי מֵעֵדְו‍ֹתֶיךָ לֹא נָטִיתִי:
קנח.  רָאִיתִי בֹגְדִים וָאֶתְקוֹטָטָה אֲשֶׁר אִמְרָתְךָ לֹא שָׁמָרוּ:
קנט.  רְאֵה כִּי פִקּוּדֶיךָ אָהָבְתִּי יְהֹוָה כְּחַסְדְּךָ חַיֵּנִי:
קס.  רֹאשׁ דְּבָרְךָ אֱמֶת וּלְעוֹלָם כָּל מִשְׁפַּט צִדְקֶךָ:
Segula for "Shin": For one who has headaches. (From the Sefer Shimush Tehillim attributed to Rav Hai Gaon (969 -1038).)
קסא.  שָׂרִים רְדָפוּנִי חִנָּם וּמִדְּבָרְךָ (כתיב וּמִדְּבָרְיךָ) פָּחַד לִבִּי:
קסב.  שָׂשׂ אָנֹכִי עַל אִמְרָתֶךָ כְּמוֹצֵא שָׁלָל רָב:
קסג.  שֶׁקֶר שָׂנֵאתִי וָאֲתַעֵבָה תּוֹרָתְךָ אָהָבְתִּי:
קסד.  שֶׁבַע בַּיּוֹם הִלַּלְתִּיךָ עַל מִשְׁפְּטֵי צִדְקֶךָ:
קסה.  שָׁלוֹם רָב לְאֹהֲבֵי תוֹרָתֶךָ וְאֵין לָמוֹ מִכְשׁוֹל:
קסו.  שִׂבַּרְתִּי לִישׁוּעָתְךָ יְהֹוָה וּמִצְו‍ֹתֶיךָ עָשִׂיתִי:
קסז.  שָׁמְרָה נַפְשִׁי עֵדֹתֶיךָ וָאֹהֲבֵם מְאֹד:
קסח.  שָׁמַרְתִּי פִקּוּדֶיךָ וְעֵדֹתֶיךָ כִּי כָל דְּרָכַי נֶגְדֶּךָ:
Segula for "Tav": 1. For a pain in the left ear. 2. For a pain in ones arms or sides. (From the Sefer Shimush Tehillim attributed to Rav Hai Gaon (969 -1038).)
קסט.  תִּקְרַב רִנָּתִי לְפָנֶיךָ יְהֹוָה כִּדְבָרְךָ הֲבִינֵנִי:
קע.  תָּבוֹא תְחִנָּתִי לְפָנֶיךָ כְּאִמְרָתְךָ הַצִּילֵנִי:
קעא.  תַּבַּעְנָה שְׂפָתַי תְּהִלָּה כִּי תְלַמְּדֵנִי חֻקֶּיךָ:
קעב.  תַּעַן לְשׁוֹנִי אִמְרָתֶךָ כִּי כָל מִצְו‍ֹתֶיךָ צֶּדֶק:
קעג.  תְּהִי יָדְךָ לְעָזְרֵנִי כִּי פִקּוּדֶיךָ בָחָרְתִּי:
קעד.  תָּאַבְתִּי לִישׁוּעָתְךָ יְהֹוָה וְתוֹרָתְךָ שַׁעֲשֻׁעָי:
קעה.  תְּחִי נַפְשִׁי וּתְהַלְלֶךָּ וּמִשְׁפָּטֶךָ יַעְזְּרֻנִי:
קעו.  תָּעִיתִי כְּשֶׂה אֹבֵד בַּקֵּשׁ עַבְדֶּךָ כִּי מִצְו‍ֹתֶיךָ לֹא שָׁכָחְתִּי:
145.  I called with all my heart; answer me, Hashem; I shall keep Your statutes.
146.  I called to You; save me and I shall keep Your testimonies.
147.  I arose early, when it was still night, and I cried out; I hoped for Your word.
148.  My eyes preceded the watches to speak of Your word.
149.  Hearken to my voice according to Your kindness; Hashem, according to Your custom sustain me.
150.  Pursuers of lewdness have drawn near; from Your Torah they have distanced themselves.
151.  You are near, Hashem, and all Your commandments are true.
152.  From before, I knew from Your testimonies, for You established them to [the end of] the world.
153.  See my affliction and release me, for I have not forgotten Your Torah.
154.  Plead my cause and redeem me; for Your word sustains me.
155.  Salvation is far from the wicked, for they did not seek Your statutes.
156.  Your mercies, Hashem, are abundant; according to Your custom, sustain me.
157.  Many are my pursuers and my adversaries; from Your testimonies I did not turn away.
158.  I saw traitors and I quarreled [with them] because they did not keep your word.
159.  See that I love Your precepts, Hashem; according to Your kindness, sustain me.
160.  The beginning of Your word is true, and each of Your righteous judgments is eternal.
161.  Princes pursued me for nothing, but my heart feared Your word.
162.  I rejoice over Your word as one who finds great spoil.
163.  I hate falsehood, and I abominate [it], I love Your Torah.
164.  Seven times a day I praise You for Your righteous judgments.
165.  There is abundant peace to those who love Your Torah, and they have no obstacle.
166.  I hoped for Your salvation, Hashem, and I performed Your commandments.
167.  My soul kept Your testimonies, and I love them exceedingly.
168.  I kept Your precepts and Your testimonies, for all my ways are before You.
169.  May my song of prayer draw near before You, Hashem; according to Your word, enable me to understand.
170.  May my supplication come before You; according to Your word, save me.
171.  My lips will utter praise when You teach me Your statutes.
172.  My tongue will proclaim Your word, for all Your commandments are righteous.
173.  May Your hand be [ready] to help me, for I have chosen Your precepts.
174.  I yearned for Your salvation, Hashem, and Your Torah is my occupation.
175.  May my soul live and praise You, and may Your judgments help me.
176.  I went astray like a lost lamb; seek Your servant, for I did not forget Your commandments.

Persian Hebrew Congregation
3820 Main Street
Skokie, IL 60076

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