Friday, June 17, 2022

Fwd: All Daf 2.0 Launch Date, Yevamos Siyum In The UK

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Date: Thu, Jun 16, 2022, 5:57 PM
Subject: All Daf 2.0 Launch Date, Yevamos Siyum In The UK
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Just Released: Derech Emunah - Rav Chaim's Seforim Explored (10)

Just Released: Derech Emunah - Rav Chaim's Seforim Explored (10)


Discussion about Rav Chaim's introduction to Derech Emunah

30:18 – Rav Chaim's work Sharei Emunah

34:40 – Mock Mishna Brurahs

45:10 – Works on Zerayim not mentioned by Rav Chaim in his introduction/work

45:20 – Tiferes Yisroel

47:33 – R Moshe Kahanow

49:10 – Aderes

50:04 – Rav Tzvi Pesach Frank

57:00 – Rav Sholom Zalman Auerbach

58:28 – Rav Yosef Tzvi Halevi

1:00:42 – Rav Kalman Kahana


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SAVE THE DATE: Siyum Yevamos in the UK

SAVE THE DATE: Siyum Yevamos in the UK


All Daf is pleased to announce the upcoming Siyumim on Maseches Yevamos taking place in the UK.

Monday, July 4th: Golders Green, London Tuesday, July, 5th: Salford, Manchester

We are privileged to be joined by Rabbi Moshe Elefant, COO, OU Kosher, Rabbi Moshe Hauer, EVP, Orthodox Union and Rabbi Moshe Schwed, Director, All Daf

Program details are forthcoming.

Please help us prepare for these beautiful events by filling out the following link.

We look forward to greeting you,

All Daf Team

For sponsorship opportunities or more information please email


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Time For A Promise

Time For A Promise


We invite you to watch this two-minute video by Rabbi Mordechai Raizman, Executive Director of Associated Talmud Torahs (ATT) Chicago, discussing a lesson we learn from this week's dafim to share at the Shabbos table.


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