Monday, June 20, 2022

Fwd: All Daf 2.0 Launching Tomorrow!

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From: All Daf <>
Date: Mon, Jun 20, 2022, 9:12 AM
Subject: All Daf 2.0 Launching Tomorrow!
To: <>

All Daf
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With much shevach v'hoda'ah to Hashem we are excited to announce the completely revamped All Daf 2.0 with many features and upgrades – many of which have been suggested by our users!


Rollout: Tuesday morning at approximately 3 AM EST the update will go live on all devices. Most devices will automatically download the update and no action is required from the user.

If you open the app and it did not change please go to the App Store/ Google Play, search for "All Daf" and select the UPDATE prompt.



New Features


  1. All new homepage design
  2. Powerful new search feature – search by series, masechta, author, and media.
  3. Daf Yomi calendar and navigation – Once a shiur is completed All Daf will mark off the day's daf as complete or you can manually check off each day. Missed a day? Simply select that day and the daf shiurim will come to the homepage.
  4. Daily Picks: Choose your shiurim display on the top of the homepage as soon as they get uploaded.
  5. HD Video: All video shiurim now play in full HD quality.
  6. iPad Native App: The all new iPad app brings a custom landscape that takes advantage of the many features in a wider format.
  7. Any Daf Anytime: View any daf by going to our dedicated "Full Gemarah" feature in the menu without choosing a shiur.
  8. Audio Only: All video shiurim are now available in an audio-only setting.
  9. Default Player Speed: Select your preferred player speed for all shiurim.
  10. Clear All: Clear all active shiurim in the Continued Learning section with one press of a button.

And More!



Notice An Issue?


While we roll out the new updates and features, please be aware that there may be minor glitches or bugs. Please report them to for our dedicated support team to review and fix.


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