Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 22 Sivan 5782/June 21, 2022

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From: Agudath Israel of America <news@agudah.org>
Date: Tue, Jun 21, 2022, 5:26 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 22 Sivan 5782/June 21, 2022
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual.
June 21, 2022 - 22 Sivan 5782
News from the Agudah:

  • In a big win for parents who send their children to religious schools, the Supreme Court ruled today that states cannot discriminate against schools that actively teach religious subjects. See below to read more.

  • Late last week, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin and proposed, and the Virginia Assembly passed an amendment upholding Virginia's full $25 million scholarship tax credit program. See below to read more.

  • On Sunday, Pirchei Agudas Yisroel held its annual Shas Awards Presentation. See below for more details and pictures.

  • Attention Lakewood residents: PCS Agudas Yisroel is holding a career seminar for women and girls in Lakewood, tonight at 7:30 PM EDT. See below for more details and how to attend in person or remotely.

  • Please note the schedule for this week's virtual Yarchei Kallah on Iyunim B'Hilchos Shabbos - see below for more details.
Agudath Israel Statement Applauding Supreme Court Ruling in Carson v. Makin 
The United States Supreme Court today issued a landmark ruling that positively impacts religious schools' ability to participate in state aid programs. The Court ruled that the First Amendment's Free Exercise Clause prohibits states from discriminating not only against schools that identify as religious, but also those that actively teach religious subjects. This ruling eases the way for state aid to flow to parents who choose to send their children to religious schools. 

Agudath Israel of America, along with several other Orthodox Jewish groups, submitted an amicus brief in the case, authored by constitutional scholar Nathan Lewin. 

The case, Carson v. Makin, involved a Maine law that required the state to pay for a student's tuition in the event that the district in which a child resided had no public schools. The law, however, provided that parents could send a student to any school except those that included religious instruction, on the grounds that the United States Constitution prohibited government aid to religious institutions.

The lower courts accepted Maine's distinction between schools that maintain a religious "status," which would allow their participation in the government program, and those that have religious "use," which would not.

The Supreme Court, however, reversed the lower courts' rulings. Writing for the Court in the 6-3 decision, Chief Justice John R. Roberts asserted, "The State pays tuition for certain students at private schools— so long as the schools are not religious. That is discrimination against religion. A State's antiestablishment interest does not justify enactments that exclude some members of the community from an otherwise generally available public benefit because of their religious exercise."

In issuing its much awaited ruling, the Court further stated that where a government program exists, it cannot discriminate against religious schools because they maintain religious instruction as part of their curriculum. "Regardless of how the benefit and restriction are described, the program operates to identify and exclude otherwise eligible schools on the basis of their religious exercise," Chief Justice Roberts wrote.

Rabbi Abba Cohen, Agudath Israel's vice president for government affairs and Washington director, hailed the decision. "Agudath Israel has been fighting religious discrimination for decades, and we will continue to do so. We are thrilled that the Supreme Court has made clear that discrimination against religious instruction in state aid programs is a constitutional violation. Other states that have 'no aid' provisions in their state constitutions and law can effectively feel free to now enact programs that encourage or provide assistance to religious schools on an equal basis with other nonpublic schools."

"This is a significant win for parents in Maine and across the country who will now have more freedom to choose private and religious schools for their children," said Rabbi A. D. Motzen, Agudath Israel of America's national director of state relations. "Today's ruling endorses Agudah's longtime position that states may not bar families from using state aid at the school of their choice simply because they choose a school that includes a religious curriculum."
Agudath Israel Applauds Virginia General Assembly and Governor Youngkin for Upholding Full $25 Million Scholarship Tax Credit Program
On Friday afternoon both the House and Senate of the Commonwealth of Virginia voted favorably on the amendment submitted by Governor Glenn Youngkin to restore the full funding of the Education Improvement Scholarship Tax Credit program (EISTC).

Back on June 1, 2022, the Virginia General Assembly voted on and approved the 2022-2024 budget. In the budget compromise process, one of the many amendments that was adopted reduced the budget cap of the EISTC from $25 million to $12 million. The impact of that cut would significantly reduce the number of scholarships available for low-income students to attend a private school that meets their education needs. The budget was then sent to the Governor's desk for his signature.

Nonpublic school families, and groups from across the Commonwealth and beyond, including Agudath Israel, immediately engaged in an outreach campaign to the Governor, imploring him to reject this devastating cut by offering an amendment of his own. Not long after, Governor Youngkin responded by proposing an amendment that would restore full funding to the EISTC. However, an amendment from the Governor still needs legislative approval by a majority vote in both House and Senate. The leadership of the Virginia Senate is held by the Democrats with a 21-19 edge. The Virginia House is in control of the Republicans by a 52-48 edge. With concerns that a party line vote would hold up the passage of this critical amendment, a second outreach campaign was swiftly undertaken ahead of the Special Session in Richmond on Friday June 17th. In the end, the constituent outreach was effective with the Senate voting unanimously in favor of the amendment to restore the full funding and House voting 58-42 in its favor.

"The Special Session vote to restore the EISTC funding is a big win for the nonpublic school community," said Rabbi Ariel Sadwin, Agudath Israel's Mid-Atlantic director. "Thank you Governor Youngkin for the amendment and thank you to the legislators for voting in its favor!"
Pirchei Agudas Yisroel Shas Presentation
Excitement and nachas emanated from parents and grandparents at Pirchei Agudas Yisroel's Annual Shas Awards Presentation, this Sunday, June 19th, at Agudas Yisroel Beis Binyomin. Pirchei bochurim nationwide received a peninim shas as an award for being mesayem Shishah Sidrei Mishnah lichvod habar mitzvah as their proud grandparents, parents and siblings looked on. For most of the mesayemim this journey began 4-5 years ago when they signed up for the Pirchei's Kesser Mishnayos program.

With the encouragement of their parents and the National office of Pirchei, the boys made their way through the various perakim and masechtos and sedorim, being tested and earning prizes along the way. At their bar mitzvah they were mesayem Shisha Sidrei Mishnah. Pirchei Agudas Yisroel recognizes their accomplishment.

Rabbi Dovid Gibber, Rav, Agudas Yisroel of Ave. H, Flatbush, was mechazek the bochurim by telling them that they can grow in Torah no matter how smart they are. Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Executive Vice President, Agudas Yisroel of America, explained to the boys that now that they are Bar Mitzvah their learning is even more chashuv, being that they are a metzuveh v'oseh. Rabbi Ephraim Levi, National Director, Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America, gave a special presentation honoring Mrs. Rachel Salem, long time Pirchei secretary, for her devotion to all Pirchei activities. The program ended with fathers and grandfathers dancing with the mesayemim.
PCS Career Seminar
Career choices can be overwhelming. What are the most lucrative industries right now? What are the pros and cons of obtaining a degree? What are the growth opportunities in Lakewood businesses and beyond? How can one excel and maximize their potential?

Join the PCS Seminar and get the answers to your questions!

Speakers include: Deena Nahari, life coach/ career counselor; Nechama Seidenfeld, Work Fit, Seema Gruman, CPA, and Faigy Ort, PCS Placement coordinator.

Free one-on-one career counseling by Deena Nahari

Sushi and salad bar

This Tuesday, June 21, 7:30 PM EDT - 9:00 PM EDT at PCS, 1771 Madison Ave.

For more information call 732-905-9700 ext. 610 or email smassry@nj.pcsjobs.org

To join remotely: email: nj@nj.pcsjobs.org
Iyunim B'Hilchos Shabbos
Please note the schedule for this week. The shiurim will continue with the access information as follows:

The Zoom access link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83528677424 and the call in number is 1-646-558-8656, access code: 835-286-77424.
Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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