Thursday, June 30, 2022

Fwd: Woman’s Wisdom; Awards and Awardees; Unattended Hamburgers

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Jun 30, 2022, 7:38 PM
Subject: Woman's Wisdom; Awards and Awardees; Unattended Hamburgers
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Jewish Action Wins Four Rockower Awards
Jewish Action Wins Four Rockower Awards
Jewish Action

This past June, at the American Jewish Press Association (AJPA) conference, Jewish Action won four Simon Rockower Awards for Excellence in Jewish Journalism for work that appeared in 2021.

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NY Religious School Advocates: SCOTUS Helped Tuition Aid Push
NY Religious School Advocates: SCOTUS Helped Tuition Aid Push

Religious school advocates in New York say a recent Supreme Court ruling has provided them with a boost in their push to secure taxpayer-funded tuition assistance for students. "It's an amazing next step," said Dan Mitzner, Teach Coalition's COO and director of government affairs.

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PARSHAT KORACH July 1-2, 2022 / 3 Tammuz 5782


HAFTARAH I Samuel 11:14-12:22

Around the OU
All Daf UK Siyumim
All Daf UK Siyumim
All Daf

Join us in London and Manchester on Monday and Tuesday, July 4-5, for siyumim on maseches Yevamos. Scheduled to appear are Rabbi Moshe Elefant, COO, OU Kosher; Rabbi Moshe Hauer, EVP, Orthodox Union and Rabbi Moshe Schwed, Director, All Daf.

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Keviat Mezuzah at 40 Rector Street
Keviat Mezuzah at 40 Rector Street
Orthodox Union

On Tuesday, June 28, the OU welcomed its lay leadership to the new international headquarters at 40 Rector Street in New York City. The lay leaders participated in their first in-person Board of Directors meeting since 2020 and enjoyed a keviat mezuzah installation and celebration immediately after.

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This Year's Five Awardees
This Year's Five Awardees
Impact Accelerator

The OU's Impact Accelerator is excited to announce the five innovative ventures who will be part of their newest accelerator cohort.

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Feed One Person for $75 a Month
Feed One Person for $75 a Month
Orthodox Union

The moment Ukraine found itself in a war, communities from all over the world responded in unimaginable ways. However, the story is not over. Today, for tens of thousands of Ukrainian Jews, just putting food on the table is a daily struggle.

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Don't Squander the Benefits of Orthodox Fragmentation
Don't Squander the Benefits of Orthodox Fragmentation
Mark (Moishe) Bane

Segmentation within the Jewish people is as old as the nascent Jewish nation that was divided into twelve distinct tribes founded by Yaakov Avinu's sons.

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Women's Initiative Rosh Chodesh Tammuz Lunch 'n' Learn
Women's Initiative Rosh Chodesh Tammuz Lunch 'n' Learn
Women's Initiative

Discover the depths of Tammuz with Mrs. Michal Horowitz during the Women's Initiative's Rosh Chodesh Tammuz Lunch 'n' Learn.

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ASK OU Program—August 8 and August 22
ASK OU Program—August 8 and August 22
OU Kosher
Last chance to register for the ASK OU one-week training program for men. The three-week program is waitlist only.
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Rebelling Against a King
Rebelling Against a King
Rabbi Menachem Genack

Korach's rebellion wasn't only against Moshe but against the king of Israel.

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Rebel and Revolutionary
Rebel and Revolutionary
Rabbi Norman Lamm ztz"l

The constructive, creative aspect of the revolutionary character also has a place of honor in the Jewish tradition.

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Two Jews, Three Opinions
Two Jews, Three Opinions
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

Long ago, one could find unanimity among wise men about certain values. Everyone consented that wisdom, diligence and harmony were values worthy of acclaim.

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Woman's Wisdom
Woman's Wisdom
Shira Smiles

One of the many compelling personalities within the rebelling camp of Korach is On ben Pelet.

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The Central Figure of Another Religion
The Central Figure of Another Religion
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

Some of our non-Jewish neighbors may be surprised that the central figure of their faith doesn't enter into ours at all.

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Long Division Just Doesn't Add Up
Long Division Just Doesn't Add Up
Mrs. Aviva Orlian

Discover the true target of Korach's rebellion.

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Giving Tzedakah to a Fraud
Giving Tzedakah to a Fraud
Rabbi Aryeh Kerzner

You gave someone tzedakah and he turned out to be a phony—now what? Find out in Rabbi Kerzner's Shiurim on Halacha!

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Unattended Hamburgers
Unattended Hamburgers
Halacha Yomis

I was barbecuing hamburgers in my backyard and I went inside, leaving the hamburgers unattended. I then remembered that I'm not supposed to do that. Can I still eat the hamburgers?

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When Truth Is Sacrificed to Power
When Truth Is Sacrificed to Power
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

What was wrong with the actions of Korach and his fellow rebels? After all, wasn't what they said accurate?

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Make This Summer Super Simple for You and Your Kids
Make This Summer Super Simple for You and Your Kids
Adina Soclof

It's that time of year again. Summer is here! It often strikes dread in the hearts of parents. However, we can enjoy our summers, keeping it simple and fun.

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Featured New Company: DEUX
Featured New Company: DEUX
OU Kosher

DEUX is a functional food brand, creating the snacks you want with the ingredients you deserve! DEUX believes you shouldn't need to choose between taste and health.

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Featured Books
Headlines: Halachic Debates of Current Events
Headlines: Halachic Debates of Current Events
OU Press

In Headlines, Dovid Lichtenstein takes items drawn from the news as starting points for in-depth halachic analyses of questions at the forefront of our contemporary conversation.

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Birkon Mesorat HaRav
Birkon Mesorat HaRav
OU Press

The Birkon Mesorat HaRav is a unique work that provides a companion for Shabbat, Yom Tov and other special occasions—such as the wedding, Sheva Berachot and the Brit Milah ceremonies—as well as for the blessings recited every day.

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Accounting Positions
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More OU Positions
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