Friday, July 8, 2022

FW: [aneinu] Please say your Tehillim on Shabbos

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From: 'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu <>
Date: 7/8/22 2:45 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: Chicago Aneinu <>
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Please say your Tehillim on Shabbos


Dear Aneinu Members,

Once again, a horrifying tragedy has shaken our world. The mass shooting in the neighboring suburb of Highland Park, during a 4th of July parade, has left us stunned and saddened. Any sense of security we may have had, has been shattered. The sinister attack on families, grandparents, mothers, fathers, and children, on the 4th of July, the symbol of freedom of this great nation, is an attack on the very core of this country. 

The  deaths and injuries of so many Jews made this horrific event even more personal. Who cannot shed a tear at the sight of the face of innocent 2 year old Aiden McCarthy, who was found pinned under the body of his dying father who died protecting his son. In an instant, this angelic child lost both of his parents, and will now be raised by his Jewish grandparents, Michael and Nina Levberg.

The Highland Park massacre, along with the hundreds of other mass shootings this year in the United States, is a symptom of the moral decay that has seeped into the American culture. The loss of human dignity, the lack of reverence for the sanctity of life, the obsession with material pleasure, have all contributed to the steep decline in the mores of our society. As Torah observant Jews, our job is to bring as much kedusha into the world as possible. Every minute of our waking hours we must constantly be focused on taking every available opportunity to create a kiddush Hashem. When we interact with our families, our neighbors, when we are out shopping, or taking our children to the park, every word that we speak must be calculated to reflect that we are ambassadors of Hashem. We must each be a candle, bringing Hashem's light into this dark and scary world.

Soon, we will be entering the period of the Three Weeks, a time of sadness and mourning over the loss of the Bais Hamikdash, and a time to work on repairing our connection with our Father in Heaven. Tehillim and tefilla are crucial ways to express to Hashem our yearning to be reunited with Him. After 3 years of being separated, we will once again be gathering to say Tehillim together at the 20th Annual Zisa Zimmerman Aneinu Tehillim kinus. Please save the date, Sunday morning, July 24 at 10:30 AM at Cong. Adas Yeshurun.

"If you only knew the power that lies in the verses of Tehillim and their effects in the celestial heights, you would recite them all the time. Know that the chapters of Tehillim break through all barriers and soar aloft from level to level unimpeded. They intercede before the Master of the Universe and secure their effect with kindness and mercy." Tzemach Tzedek

When we combine the awesome power of Tehillim, with the strength of achdus of women coming together to sanctify Hashem, we shake the Heavens and break through the barriers separating us and Hakadosh Baruch Hu. We all desperately need a world of holiness, love, and peace. A world of wholeness filled with the glory and knowledge of Hashem. Let us come together to beg Hashem for Mashiach, for the geulah, for a rebuilt Bais Hamikdash, and do everything in our power to make this Tisha B'Av a day of joy and celebration with the coming of Mashiach and the geulah shlema.

Please remember to say your Tehillim this Shabbos. B"H the days are long, but it is perfectly fine to say your Tehillim on Friday night. You may check the Shabbos Tehillim spreadsheet if you are unsure which kappitlach you signed up for. 

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