Monday, July 4, 2022

FW: Today's Tragedy. A Jewish Response

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-------- Original message --------
From: Synagogue FREE <>
Date: 7/4/22 9:29 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: Today's Tragedy. A Jewish Response



The pain is just too raw, the devastation is just too immense, and the fear is just too palpable. Our hearts are with the grieving families, our prayers are with the injured, and our thoughts are with the children whose holiday turned to trauma. We're all here for them, yet the pain and loss remain.

Whenever tragedy strikes (may this be the last time!) we do our best to strengthen ourselves and each other; to come together with faith, positivity, and courage; and to respond to pure evil by increasing pure good – to fill a pained world with kindness, sharing, and Mitzvah performance.

But this time it's just too close to home. In fact, it's right at home! Horrific evil broke loose today right in the heart of our Northshore communities and brought tragic pain and suffering to so many innocent families.

Yet, despite it all, we can find direction in our timeless Jewish tradition. The Torah provides the guidance that our own grieving hearts and minds cannot, encourages us, and empowers us to make a positive difference.

So here are some things we should all be doing now, based on traditional Jewish teachings:

We are responsible for each other. Check on friends and neighbors, especially the elderly or otherwise vulnerable. Do they need help dealing with the shock? Or getting something they're afraid to go out for? (Do you need something? Just reply to this message our call us at 773-274-5123. We're here for you!)

Pray. No, it's not just a feel good thing. Our sincere prayers really can bring the blessings we desperately need and even cause miracles. Let's pray for a miraculous recovery for the wounded and that G-d brings healing and hope to our devastated communities. A suggested brief prayer can be found here.

Mezuzahs – Make sure they're Kosher! No matter how safe we try to be, we can all use the extra Divine protection that Mezuzahs are known for. So let's make sure to put up Mezuzahs if we're missing them, and to inspect the scrolls of existing Mezuzahs to confirm they're still perfectly "Kosher." We can help with Mezuza installation and/or inspection. Just reply to this message to get in touch.

Do A Mitzvah. The world became darker today. More evil was perpetrated, more suffering was unleashed. Our Mitzvahs can change that! Every time we share, do an act of kindness, lay Teffilin, light Shabbat candles, or even smile at someone who needs it, we brighten the world and make it a better place. Additional suggested Mitzvahs can be found here.

Moshiach. What we all really want is an end to the madness. We no longer want to hear of loss of life, war, or any other tragedies – not locally and not anywhere else. The Torah's vision of a messianic age is just that: A world free of evil, suffering and strife. How do we get there? Incrementally. By adding a little more goodness, a little more Mitzvah whenever we can. Let's all do our part! Learn more about Moshiach here.

Hoping and praying,
The Rabbis & Rebbetzins at FREE

P.S. If there is any way we can be of assistance during this difficult time, please don't hesitate to reach out - that's why we're here!  Just reply to this email our call us at 773-274-5123

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