Thursday, July 21, 2022

Fwd: All Daf's Journey to England; NCSY Teens Save a Life; Travel During the Three Weeks

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Jul 21, 2022, 8:34 PM
Subject: All Daf's Journey to England; NCSY Teens Save a Life; Travel During the Three Weeks
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WATCH: Journey to England: An All Daf Vlog
WATCH: Journey to England: An All Daf Vlog
All Daf

From two successful daf yomi siyumim in London and Manchester to a meeting with UK Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, shlita, watch a recap of All Daf's recent adventures across the pond!

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Join the OU and Torah Initiatives for Tisha b'Av Kinot
Join the OU and Torah Initiatives for Tisha b'Av Kinot
OU Torah Initiatives

Strengthen your Tisha b'Av spiritually on Sunday, August 7, with kinot webcasts from Rabbi Moshe Hauer, Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, Rabbi Steven Weil and Rabbi Azarya Berzon. Stream live or watch on demand all day.

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PARSHAT PINCHAS July 22-23, 2022 / 24 Tammuz 5782


HAFTARAH Jeremiah 1:1-2:3


THIS SHABBAT Mevarchim HaChodesh for the month of Av


SPECIAL DAYS Rosh Chodesh Av is observed on Friday, July 29.


Around the OU
OU Mourns the Loss of Kurt Rothschild, zl
OU Mourns the Loss of Kurt Rothschild, z"l
Orthodox Union

The OU mourns the passing of Mr. Kurt Rothschild, z"l, the longtime president of the World Mizrachi Movement, an important builder of the Canadian Jewish community, and a driving force behind scores of significant projects benefitting Jewish communities in Israel, Canada, and around the world.


In addition to being a visionary and a generous philanthropist, Mr. Rothschild was a source of guidance and wisdom to a broad range of Orthodox leaders and to all who worked for the betterment of the Jewish community. Most notably, he accomplished all of this with his characteristic humility and kindness, deflecting attention from himself to the worthy causes he was working to advance. Mr. Rothschild honored the Orthodox Union by serving as a longtime member of our Board of Governors.

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The Toni Kohn House Groundbreaking in Sderot
The Toni Kohn House Groundbreaking in Sderot
OU Israel

This past week, OU Israel celebrated the groundbreaking and unveiling of the Toni Kohn House in Sderot, a center that will provide Israel's youth with a safe place to go, where they will receive unconditional love and support.

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After Makin: Next Steps for Day School Advocacy
After Makin: Next Steps for Day School Advocacy
Nathan J. Diament and Maury Litwack

In the wake of the Supreme Court's landmark ruling on education aid, learn the three P's of advocacy work.

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Thousands of Teens Gather for Yom NCSY in Israel
Thousands of Teens Gather for Yom NCSY in Israel
Israel National News

Over 2,500 campers from NCSY celebrated Yom NCSY last week in Rishon Lezion.

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American Teens Assist in Successful CPR of Ashdod Man and Help Save His Life
American Teens Assist in Successful CPR of Ashdod Man and Help Save His Life
United Hatzalah

Two members of the NCSY Hatzalah Rescue summer program were on board a United Hatzalah's ambulance when an emergency alert was received by United Hatzalah's dispatch and command center.

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Feed One Person for $75 a Month
Feed One Person for $75 a Month
Orthodox Union

The moment Ukraine found itself in a war, communities from all over the world responded in unimaginable ways. However, the story is not over. Today, for tens of thousands of Ukrainian Jews, just putting food on the table is a daily struggle.

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Pinchas the Kohen
Pinchas the Kohen
Rabbi Menachem Genack

Pinchas was rewarded by God with an eternal covenant of kehunah. But what kind of kohen did Pinchas become?

Read in Hebrew
The Three Weeks
The Three Weeks
Torah Initiatives

We are now within the Three Weeks, the mourning period leading up to Tisha b'Av, observed this year on August 7. Learn about its history and philosophy, and get the answers to a number of halachic questions that arise during this time.

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Zealotry and Tolerance
Zealotry and Tolerance
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
There is one positive value in our religion to which we are not to respond "Yes, go and do it." I speak of the value of zealotry.
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If Only
If Only
Rabbi Judah Mischel

When klal Yisrael suffers, Hashem's presence also suffers, so to speak. This is intolerable to a tzaddik, as it ought to be for any feeling, believing Jew, as well.

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Parshat Pinchas
Parshat Pinchas
Mrs. Aviva Orlian

Delve into the boldness of Pinchas, the determination of b'not Tzlafchad and the appointment of Yehoshua.

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Travel During the Three Weeks
Travel During the Three Weeks
Halacha Yomis

Is it appropriate to go on trips for pleasure during the Three Weeks or the Nine Days? What about travel for other reasons?

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Growth Through Discomfort
Growth Through Discomfort
Dr. Erica Brown

Jewish tradition, from its semantic roots, treats words as having the concreteness of objects. They are our intellectual and emotional currency.

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Jews and Non-Jews—Part 1
Jews and Non-Jews—Part 1
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

The real-life Q&A continues! B'nei Noach, eiver min hachai, and why convert?

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Elijah and the Still, Small Voice
Elijah and the Still, Small Voice
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

The zealot takes the part of God, but God expects His prophets to be defenders, not accusers.

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How Chickpeas Went From a Dream to Pareve Yogurt
How Chickpeas Went From a Dream to Pareve Yogurt
OU Kosher

Noam Sharon was a corporate and securities lawyer in Israel before he began working on the idea that would become CHKP Foods, a company that makes OU Kosher pareve yogurt from chickpeas.

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A Conversation With Rabbanit Rachelle Fraenkel on Losing a Child
A Conversation With Rabbanit Rachelle Fraenkel on Losing a Child

Tune in to hear Rabbanit Rachelle Fraenkel talk about emunah in the face of tragedy, and how one can blend optimism and realism.

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Featured Books
Shalom Rav Vol. II: Vayikra, Bamidbar, Devarim
Shalom Rav Vol. II: Vayikra, Bamidbar, Devarim
OU Press

Shalom Rav is a compilation of Rabbi Shalom Rosner's inspiring and thought-provoking ideas on the weekly parsha, selected and adapted by Marc Lesnick from Rabbi Rosner's hugely popular parsha classes.

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Letters from Mir: A Torah World in the Shadow of the Shoah
Letters from Mir: A Torah World in the Shadow of the Shoah
OU Press

Letters from Mir comprises the letters Rabbi Ernest Gugenheim wrote home describing his experiences, opening a window on a world that was soon to be de­stroyed.

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Assistant Director of Talent Development
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