Friday, July 1, 2022

Fwd: All New Series And Your Weekly Devar Torah

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From: All Parsha <>
Date: Fri, Jul 1, 2022, 8:16 AM
Subject: All New Series And Your Weekly Devar Torah
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Rabbi Dovid Rosman: Korach - Shvitz or glory, or both?

Rabbi Dovid Rosman: Korach - Shvitz or glory, or both?


In All Parsha's brand new Guest feature, R' Dovid Rosman, Director of AISH HaTorah Jerusalem delves into the fundamental difference between Moshe and Korach, and how it applies to our daily lives.


Duration: 6:03


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NEW SERIES: Epilogues - Overview of the Weekly Haftorah with Rabbi Yaakov Trump

NEW SERIES: Epilogues - Overview of the Weekly Haftorah with Rabbi Yaakov Trump


Korach's Descendent – Haftorah of Korach


Duration: 14:37


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Korach 5782: A Night of Sleep: An Unlikely Time for Teshuva

Korach 5782: A Night of Sleep: An Unlikely Time for Teshuva


Sleep can be a waste of time, or it could reenergize us. But it could also be life-changing. Listen to how R' Levin taps into a deeper meaning of this mundane activity and how it could've saved lives.


Duration: 6:34


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Korach 5782: Perhaps the Most Important Mitzvah

Korach 5782: Perhaps the Most Important Mitzvah


What connection is and what connection isn't? R' Shoshan delves into the timeless words of the Nesivas Shalom to bring to light what a real connection with Hashem truly means.


Duration: 9:57


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Korach 5782 - Forget the Segulahs, Do This for Enormous Blessings in Your Life

Korach 5782 - Forget the Segulahs, Do This for Enormous Blessings in Your Life


R' Efrem Goldberg stresses the idea that the biggest bracha we could give ourselves is to stay away from machlokes.


Duration: 1:07:42


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Rejoice In Their Success

Rejoice In Their Success


Duration: 4:20


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