Friday, July 1, 2022

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 2 Tamuz 5782/July 1, 2022

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From: Agudath Israel of America <>
Date: Fri, Jul 1, 2022, 12:20 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 2 Tamuz 5782/July 1, 2022
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Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual.
July 1, 2022 - 2 Tamuz 5782
News from the Agudah:

  • Rabbi Moshe Kolodny, Agudah's archivist, was featured in this weeks Mishpacha Magazine in a beautiful article written by Yochonon Donn. Click here to read.

  • This week the New Jersey state budget was passed and signed. See below for details.

  • YahalomNJ is starting a therapy directory. See below for more details and how to be listed.

  • Save the Date! Agudah of Maryland is excited to announce the first Mid-Atlantic Business Halacha Conference, which will take place on August 2. See below for more details.

  • Bnos and Pirchei Newsletters: Download this week's Pirchei weekly by clicking here. Download the Bnos newsletter for this Shabbos here.

  • Please note the schedule for next week's virtual Yarchei Kallah on Iyunim B'Hilchos Shabbos. The special July 4th programing will include additional speakers and changed scheduling- see below for more details.

  • Finally, we wish a mazel tov to our colleague, Shana Feller, on her marriage to Elisha Garadi. May they build a bayis ne'eman b'Yisroel!
New Jersey Budget
Rabbi Avi Schnall, director of Agudah's New Jersey office, with Senate President Scutari, at yesterday's signing ceremony.
Yesterday Rabbi Avi Schnall, director of Agudah's New Jersey office, attended the New Jersey budget signing.

Some highlights from the budget include:
  • $7 million increase in funding for nonpublic schools:
  • $3 million security funding
  • $2 million remedial services
  • $2 million transportation 
  • Increasing the state nonprofit security grant program by $3 million to a total of $5 million.

"We thank Governor Murphy, Senate President Scutari, Assembly Speaker Coughlin, and Assemblyman Gary Schaer for all of their work on this budget," said Rabbi Avi Schnall.
YahalomNJ Therapy Directory
Therapist and agencies in New Jersey who would like to join Yahalom's directory can go to or email Any questions can be emailed to
Mid-Atlantic Business Halacha Conference
Iyunim B'Hilchos Shabbos
Please note the schedule for this week. The shiurim will continue with the access information as follows:

The Zoom access link is;and the call in number is 1-646-558-8656, access code: 835-286-77424.
Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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