Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel of Illinois 28 Tamuz, 5782/July 27, 2022

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From: Agudah <>
Date: Wed, Jul 27, 2022, 11:52 AM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel of Illinois 28 Tamuz, 5782/July 27, 2022
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July 27, 2022 | 28 Tamuz, 5782
Over Eighty Rabbonim and Rebbitzens from Across the Country Attend the 12th Annual Midwest Agudas Yisroel Council of Synagogue Rabbonim Conference 
Sixty rabbonim and twenty rebbitzens from across the United States met in Chicago earlier this week for the 12th annual Midwest Agudas Yisroel Council of Synagogue Rabbonim Conference.

This year's program was practical, informative and extremely relevant, and attended by many Roshei Yeshiva, Dayanim, Rabbanim and world-renowned experts in their fields who have dedicated their lives to share their wealth of wisdom with others.

A question-and-answer session was held with Rabbi Elya Brudny, Rosh Yeshiva of the Mirrer Yeshiva and Chaver Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah, where Rabbonim had the opportunity to discuss many of the pressing issues facing Klal Yisroel today.

Dr. Shmuel Mandelman, Clinical Neuropsychologist and Founder/Clinical Director of The C.L.I.N.I.C., is a renowned therapist and a very close talmid of Rav Brudny. Dr. Mandelman has extensive experience dealing with individuals and families in the Orthodox community. Dr. Mandelman gave a presentation on how Rabbanim can help congregants address mental health challenges.

Rabbi Dov Kahan, Av Bais Din of the Bais Din Maysharim and Mara D'asra Khal Rayim Ahuvim, and Rabbi Shlomie Dickman, Posek in the Bais Horaah of the Bais Din Maysharim and the chief editor of "Healthcare Facilities in Halacha," delivered a shiur, followed by a discussion, about how Rabbanim can assist their baalei batim in running their businesses according to halacha.

Rabbi Shmuel Tenenbaum, Mashgiach of Yeshiva Tiferes Tzvi, founded an organization called Big Talks that guides schools and parents in how to teach adolescents about topics of kedushah. Rabbi Tenenbaum shared fundamentals in helping understand the challenges our youth face and where they are currently holding on this topic.

The Rebbetzins were addressed by Mrs. Bella Kaufman, Rebbitzen of Adas Yisroel, and Menaheles of Joan Dachs Bais Yaakov Middle School and co-author of the Big Talks for Girls curriculum, about talking with our children about sensitive topics.

Other speakers that addressed the Rabbonim included Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst, Dayan of Agudath Israel of Illinois, who gave a shiur on Hilchos Chalitzah, as well as Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, executive vice president of Agudath Israel, explaining several recent Supreme Court decisions and their impact on the Jewish community "The time together, sharing of ideas and open discussions at these conferences brings tremendous chizuk to the participating Rabbanim. The conference unifies kehillos and helps their Rabbanim address the challenges of the 21st century," said Rabbi Yaakov Robinson, executive director of the Midwest Vaad Harabbonim.
Community Hespeidim
Last night, nearly a thousand people attended the asifas hesped for Harav Shmuel Yehuda Halevi Levin zt"l. Addressing the crowd were Rav Elya Brudny, Rosh Yeshiva, Mirrer Yeshiva, Rav Shmuel Dishon, Menahel of Yeshivas Karlin-Stolin, Rav Yisroel Menachem Levin, Rav of Kehilas Bais Tefilah of Detroit, Rav Yaakov Robinson, Menahel of the Midwest Agudas Yisroel Council of Synagogue Rabbonim
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