Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Fw: [aneinu] "Kol Korei" from Vaad Roshei Yeshiva - YOM TEFILLAH FOR ALL SCHOOLS

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Subject: [chicago-aneinu] "Kol Korei" from Vaad Roshei Yeshiva - YOM TEFILLAH FOR ALL SCHOOLS

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From: Torah Umesorah <>
Date: Wed, Aug 31, 2022 at 9:41 AM
Subject: "Kol Korei" from Vaad Roshei Yeshiva - YOM TEFILLAH FOR ALL SCHOOLS


Urgent Call from the Vaad Roshei Yeshiva of Torah Umesorah

BOYS: Grade 4 - Beis Medrash (Tehillim after Mincha)

GIRLS: Grades 4 - 12

Thursday - 12 Elul - September 8 - 2:00 pm EST

Download KOL KOREI

   In just a short while, the New York State Education Department officials will gather to impose regulations for private schools in all of New York State, which include all of our yeshivos, chadorim, mesivtos, and girls' schools.

   In recent months, so many of people in our communities and thousands upon thousands from Klal Yisroel responded in a strong way to the call of Gedolei Yisroel, and, in an unprecedented way, submitted their written opposition to the State against imposing the regulations on our pure chinuch. But the matter has still not been concluded, and a sharp sword still rests on the throats of the mosdos ha'chinuch.

   For more than 100 years, the greatest metropolis and center of life in all of the United States for frum Jews, has been the State of New York, where most young Jewish children reside, those who are educated on the path of Torah and fear of Hashem. And at this moment, they are all in grave danger that the nations of the world should not chas v'shalom rule over and dictate their pure chinuch. This dangerous and looming decree is not only the anguish of children in New York State, but it is an anguish shared by all of Klal Yisroel.

   At this time, we are all obligated to follow the examples of our forefathers, to arouse Heaven's mercy by crying out and imploring from the depths of our hearts, at the moment when the gates are closing [on this dire issue], that the dangerous decree be torn up, and the dire plans of the government to rule over what is most precious to us be annulled, and may all difficult decrees against Klal Yisroel be speedily annulled.

   We therefore issue an urgent call for all Mosdos Hachinuch, in all locations where they may be found, to institute a day of Tefillah on Thursday, September 8 – the 12th of Elul, at 2:00 pm EST, when the students of all yeshivos and girls' schools, each in their own school, gather to hear words to inspire teshuvah and to plead to Hashem in Heaven to have mercy on His nation.


   Behold Hashem is great and will not despise – He will not despise the prayers of the multitudes!

Vaad Roshei Yeshiva of Torah Umesorah

HaRav Hillel David

HaRav Aharon Feldman

HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky

HaRav Yaakov Bender

HaRav Elya Brudny

HaRav Yosef Eichenstein

HaRav Dovid Goldberg

HaRav Shlomo Halioua

HaRav Dovid Harris

HoRav Chaim Y. Hoberman

HaRav Malkiel Kotler

HaRav Dovid Schustal

Torah Umesorah | 620 Foster AvenueBrooklyn, NY 112
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