Friday, August 26, 2022

FW: [aneinu] Please say your Tehillim on Shabbos

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From: 'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu <>
Date: 8/26/22 5:13 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: Chicago Aneinu <>
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Please say your Tehillim on Shabbos


Dear Aneinu Members,

Tonight is Rosh Chodesh Elul! The speed with which the days and months fly by is astonishing! Now is the time to prepare for Rosh Hashana because it will be here in the blink of an eye. 

It is hard to think about the yomin noraim when we are so involved with so many daily responsibilites and issues that need to be dealt with, but we really must make time to sit and think about what will happen on Rosh Hashana. The whole world will be judged. The whole world will be judged! Every minute detail of our coming year will be decided on Rosh Hashana. We must not take anything for granted! Will the new year bring good health, financial stability, shalom bayis, nachas from our children or grandchildren. Will the new year bring another year of life for us and our loved ones? Will our country have a year of peace? Will there be wars and chaos in the world? Floods? Drought? Famine? Everything is on the heavenly scale, and we must do everything we can to tip the scale to a positive judgement.

Now is the time to find something we can work on over the next month to show Hashem that we want to do teshuva and that we are deserving of a year of bracha. There are so many things to choose from! Find one passuk in our davening that we can really focus on every day and say it with real kavana. If we are prone to anger, make a commitment that one hour every day we will control ourselves and not lash back at our spouse, children, neighbors, or friends when they push our buttons. We can commit to seeing the good in every one for one hour every day, and start to develop an ayin tova. When we eat, we can eat with thoughtfulness, and really focus on saying our brachos with intention and gratefulness to Hashem for the food we eat. We can commit to learn shmiras haloshon every day, or the laws of Shabbos. We can bring in Shabbos a little earlier, or at least on time! It only takes one small step. Hashem knows we are human and how difficult it is for us to change.

Sometimes people become discouraged by their long list of failings and feel it is hopeless. I heard an amazing thought from Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier. He said that four people never sinned in their lives; Binyamin, the son of Yaakov Avinu, Amram father of Moshe, Yishai father of David, and Kil'av son of David. Although they were great people, we don't consider them to be great leaders of Klal Yisroel. Our forefathers, Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov, Moshe Rabbeinu, Aharon HaKohen, Dovid HaMelech, all sinned. They all made mistakes. This didn't stop them from becoming the great people that they became.  A Tzaddik is not someone who is perfect. A Tzaddik is someone who falls and then gets right back up and forges ahead. Hashem does not expect perfection, only effort and a desire to become the best servant of Hashem that we can be. 

One more thing that we must find time for. Please, every day take a few minutes and beg Hashem to bring Mashiach and the geulah shlema. Plead that He rebuild the Bais Hamikdash. If you can shed a few tears, even better. We are completing a shmittah year and the gemara says that the year following a shmitta year is auspicious for the redemption. We are so close. May we all be zoche to see next year become a year of peace, joy and happiness, refuos and yeshuos for all Klal Yisroel, and the entire world, with the coming of Mashiach and the geulah shlema. Amen.

Please remember to say your Tehillim this Shabbos. B"H the days are long, but it is perfectly fine to say your Tehillim on Friday night. You may check the Shabbos Tehillim spreadsheet if you are unsure which kappitlach you signed up for. 

Wishing you all a peaceful Shabbos and a good Chodesh,
Chaya Miriam

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