Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Fw: An Open Letter to the Community

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From: "Emma's Bagel Cafe" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Wed, Aug 3, 2022 at 4:01 PM
Subject: An Open Letter to the Community


On Sunday, July 24th, at Emma's Bagel Cafe, we were advised that three young children were taken to the hospital where they tested positive for THC in their systems.

Most importantly, the three young children (ages; 5, 3, and 19 months) were all released and are fine.

When the incident first happened, many things were posted on social media including requests for Tehillim and Tefillot to be said for the children. Unfortunately, many negative and disparaging untruths and vicious rumors were also posted and disseminated throughout social media, including social media platforms Whatsapp, Instagram, and Yelp. It was reported and circulated in various social media platforms that the THC came from Emma's candy machines.

This could not be further from the truth.

The facts are: 

  • The candy machines (which are not owned or operated by Emma's) and their contents were turned over to the Skokie Police Department to be checked and tested for THC or any other substance. The Skokie Police Department has confirmed what we already were confident of; that everything tested negative and there were no traces of THC or any other substance in any of the machines.
  • While all three children tested positive, only two were at Emma's on that day.
  • At no point did Hatzalah or any other emergency provider treat anyone at Emma's that day.
  • After reviewing our videotapes, over 20 individuals purchased items at the "candy machines" prior to or after these children were in the store without any issues.

Once again, while we were advised that the three young children did test positive for marijuana in their systems, it did not come from or have anything to do with Emma's.

The use of social media can be a positive tool for our community if used appropriately. Unfortunately if used inappropriately it can be damaging and destructive to individuals, businesses and institutions.

As we begin the period of the 9 days we should all make a concerted effort to only use our words and platforms in a positive manner to bring our community together.

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