Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel of Illinois 5 Av, 5782/August 2, 2022

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From: Agudah <info@agudahil.org>
Date: Tue, Aug 2, 2022, 12:12 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel of Illinois 5 Av, 5782/August 2, 2022
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

August 2, 2022 | 5 Av, 5782
  • Special event today for the Tinokos Shel Bais Raban of Chicago! See below for details.

  • The Antonia Spitzer Jewish Library Has a New Home! See below to learn more.

  • The Annual Agudath Israel of Illinois Family Calendar is one of the Agudah's most popular and useful yearly projects. See below for a letter from Rabbi Yitzchok Bider about sponsorship opportunities.

  • This past week, Yahalom Chicago hosted an evening for mothers of individuals with a mild developmental disability (including HFA) facilitated by Ethel Bartky, LMFT. See below to read more.
The Antonia Spitzer Jewish Library Has a New Home
The Antonia Spitzer Jewish Library is now located on the first floor of the west wing of the new Agudath Israel executive offices building, located at 3434 W. Peterson. The library will now offer its growing usership many new and updated features. These include: a more spacious book area with reading tables, a state-of-the-art video/activity room, public-use computers to view the library's data base and for students to do assignments - with information from 'kosher' web sites and an off-hours book drop off option.

In preparation for the move, the library has been involved in an aggressive two-pronged program to make everyone's reading experience more enjoyable. A very large number of children's books have been professionally laminated to help keep them in better condition and in circulation longer and there is an ongoing project to get new copies of well-worn often-repaired books. While these two projects are highlighting children's books, similar projects will also soon be started to work on teens and adult books.
The Agudath Israel of Illinois Family Calendar is one of the Agudah's most popular and useful yearly projects. The calendar also offers a great opportunity to advertise your business where the community will see it daily. For details and pricing please email mrosenberg@agudahil.org.
With printing and postage costs rising dramatically… We need your support more than ever!
Yahalom Relaxation & Conversation Event
This past week, Yahalom Chicago hosted an evening for mothers of individuals with a mild developmental disability (including HFA) facilitated by Ethel Bartky, LMFT. The mothers enjoyed sushi while participating in meaningful and productive conversations centered around topics relevant to the group.

The evening was filled with mothers connecting through common experiences and challenges in a warm and safe environment. The participants described the evening as powerful and validating. As one mother said, "I feel like I've come home". Yahalom Chicago looks forward to hosting additional events for mothers to connect and form supportive relationships. 
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