Thursday, August 4, 2022

Fwd: OU Tisha b'Av Webcast; New OU Kosher Video Series; First Time Home Buyer?

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Aug 4, 2022, 8:09 PM
Subject: OU Tisha b'Av Webcast; New OU Kosher Video Series; First Time Home Buyer?
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Join the OU and Torah Initiatives for Tisha b'Av Kinot
Join the OU and Torah Initiatives for Tisha b'Av Kinot
OU Torah Initiatives

Strengthen your Tisha b'Av spiritually on Sunday, August 7, with kinot webcasts from Rabbi Moshe Hauer, Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, Rabbi Steven Weil and Rabbi Azarya Berzon. Stream live or watch on demand all day. ASL translations and call-in numbers will be available for select presentations.

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Can Fish Be Cooked on a Meat Grill?
Can Fish Be Cooked on a Meat Grill?
OU Kosher

Watch the first episode in this year's OU Kosher Summer video series, which will address kashrus questions regarding summer and travel.

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PARSHAT DEVARIM August 5-6, 2022 / 9 Av 5782


HAFTARAH Isaiah 1:1-27


THIS SHABBAT Shabbat Chazon


SPECIAL DAYS Tisha b'Av (nidcheh) begins motzoei Shabbat, August 6, and ends on Sunday night, August 7.

Around the OU
A Personal Conversation With Two Holocaust Survivors
A Personal Conversation With Two Holocaust Survivors
Women's Initiative

Be inspired by Mrs. Sylvia (Sarah) Richter, Kew Gardens, NY, and Mrs. Betty Sved, Lower Merion, PA, two survivors who met terror with triumph. Join on Sunday, August 7, at 3:00 PM EDT or watch on demand.

Register Here
NCSY Kollel Kumzitz of the World
NCSY Kollel Kumzitz of the World
NCSY Summer

Join NCSY Kollel live for their Tisha b'Av kumzitz on Sunday, August 7, at noon EDT.

Watch Here
Just Released: Shiur on Rav Yehudah Ha'Levi
Just Released: Shiur on Rav Yehudah Ha'Levi
All Daf

Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Brodt discusses Rav Yehudah Ha'Levi: Kinnos, Kuzari and the Cairo Genizah.

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Are You a First-Time Home Buyer?
Are You a First-Time Home Buyer?
Community Projects and Partnerships

Join us on Tuesday, August 16, at 8:30 PM EDT for the first episode of "Home Buyer Basics 101," a new series for first-time home buyers that will provide valuable information to assist you in this major purchase.

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Rabbi Brandsdorfer on JM in the AM
Rabbi Brandsdorfer on JM in the AM
Nachum Segal Network

Listen to Nachum Segal's interview with Rabbi Moshe Brandsdorfer, executive director of OU Torah Initiatives, as they preview the OU's Tisha b'Av webcasts.

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What Are You Doing on August 14?
What Are You Doing on August 14?

Register for Bike NCSY and enjoy an incredible day outdoors while supporting the amazing work of NCSY.

Register Now
Kashrus When I Was a Kid—Records, Remembrances and Nostalgia
Kashrus When I Was a Kid—Records, Remembrances and Nostalgia

Join SPIRIT on Tuesday, August 9, for a presentation about kashrus during the 1950s that springs from handwritten minutes of meetings of the Machzikei Hakashrus of Eastern Parkway and Crown Heights.

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Nonprofit Security Grant Program Improvement Act
Nonprofit Security Grant Program Improvement Act
OU Advocacy

The OU welcomes the US Senate committee approval of a bill to improve the DHS Nonprofit Security Grant Program.

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Prayers and Tisha b'Av
Prayers and Tisha b'Av
Rabbi Menachem Genack

What is the meaning of the fact that our prayers are not heard on Tisha b'Av?

Read in Hebrew
The Nine Days
The Nine Days
Torah Initiatives
Learn about the Nine Days, and get the answers to a number of halachic questions that arise during this time.
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The Jewish Obsession
The Jewish Obsession
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

The popular media often accuses the Jewish people of an obsession. Some accuse us good-humoredly of an obsession with food.

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A Tisha b'Av Question
A Tisha b'Av Question
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

"Like many others, I have a hard time with Tisha b'Av and mourning for the Beis HaMikdash and the other things for which we're supposed to weep."

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Remarkable Rebuke
Remarkable Rebuke
Rebbetzin Shira Smiles

As we hone our sensitivity and realize how hard it is to honor each person, we can increase our efforts to accord others even greater honor and respectability.

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Women's Initiative—Parshat Devarim
Women's Initiative—Parshat Devarim
Dr. Esther Shkop

Join us as we discover if Hashem's words to His holy nation are those of confidence and comfort or those of rebuke.

Listen Now
When Tisha b'Av Is a Nidcheh
When Tisha b'Av Is a Nidcheh
Halacha Yomis

When do the various prohibitions of the Three Weeks end this year?

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When We Try to Keep God in His Place
When We Try to Keep God in His Place
Rabbi Norman Lamm ztz"l

We must learn to avoid the mistakes of the past and the present and to acknowledge God in all existence—personal, national and international.

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Why Are There So Many Jewish Lawyers?
Why Are There So Many Jewish Lawyers?
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

At the outset of the book in which Moshe summarizes the Jews' history and destiny, he gives priority to the administration of justice.

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Tate's Bake Shop
Tate's Bake Shop
OU Kosher

What makes Tate's Bake Shop treats so deeply delicious? It's something called "The Bake Shop Way." It's their commitment to uncompromising quality and bake-craft.

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A Conversation With Mirlana Morris on Losing Her Son, Donny
A Conversation With Mirlana Morris on Losing Her Son, Donny

In this episode of the 18Forty podcast, Mirlana speaks about Donny, loss and faith, and how she perpetuates the legacy of her beloved son. Donny passed away in last year's Meron tragedy.

Listen Now
Featured Books
Echoes of Eden: Sefer Devarim
Echoes of Eden: Sefer Devarim
OU Press

In Echoes of Eden: Sefer Devarim, the distinguished scholar and educator Rabbi Ari Kahn presents a series of strikingly original interpretive essays on the weekly parsha, noteworthy for their novel approaches.

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Shiurei Harav – Tefillah
Shiurei Harav – Tefillah
OU Press

Shiurei Harav is a series of books offering new insights on the Torah based on the shiurim given by the Rav, the guiding force behind modern Orthodoxy. Rabbi Menachem Genack and Rabbi Hershel Schachter are co-editors of the series.

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Assistant Director of Professional Development
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Benefits Assistant
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