Friday, August 26, 2022

Fwd: Your Weekly Devar Torah Has Arrived!

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Date: Fri, Aug 26, 2022, 8:44 AM
Subject: Your Weekly Devar Torah Has Arrived!
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Guest Series: Rabbi Jonathan Schachter

Guest Series: Rabbi Jonathan Schachter


Distance Makes the heart grow Fonder

It may be far, and it may be difficult, but if we start now then we have a chance of reaching amazing heights. R' Jonathan Schachter inspires us to take that first daunting step, which can eventually lead to great places.


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R' Moshe Elefant - Who Am I?

R' Moshe Elefant - Who Am I?


Knowing who you are is the first, and possibly the most important step in getting to where you want to go. R' Moshe Elefant analyzes the difference between someone who does things in a natural way, and someone who recognizes who he is and the decisions that are based on that.


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Sruly Shain - To Give or Not to Give

Sruly Shain - To Give or Not to Give


To give, or not to give. That is the million-dollar question. Sruly Shain shares with us why we should give even with question marks in our heads.


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Rabbi Hartman What Do You Know About Rav Ula bar Abba

Rabbi Hartman What Do You Know About Rav Ula bar Abba


What does a righteous person look like? Is it the action that we focus on, or perhaps the result of it? In this fascinating shiur, Rabbi Hartman uses the lens of the Maharal to discover what is the most important thing we should keep in mind when serving Hashem.


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Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky- Worshipping Hashem with non-Jewish Ceremonies

Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky- Worshipping Hashem with non-Jewish Ceremonies


There are so many clear and distinct differences and separations between Hashem and any other avodah zarah. But what happens when the two are thrust into a grey area, where areas of avodah zarah could possibly even enhance Hashem's standing in this world? R' Ahron Lopiansky, takes us through different areas where this could apply and it's status.


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Yisroel Besser: Bearer of Good News

Yisroel Besser: Bearer of Good News


Hashem's word, through His nevi'im, is an enduring reminder of His message and mercy…


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