Thursday, August 11, 2022

Fwd: Your Weekly Devar Torah

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From: All Parsha <>
Date: Thu, Aug 11, 2022, 8:59 PM
Subject: Your Weekly Devar Torah
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All Parsha
Guest Series: Rabbi Werblowsky

Guest Series: Rabbi Werblowsky


Parshas V'eschanan – ושננתם לבניך

Through the examples of our gedolim, who were able to see what a child or a talmid needed,
R' Werblowsky brings out the key to being a true and loving Rebbe.

Duration: 9:57


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Va'eschanan 5782 - The Two Most Beautiful Words

Va'eschanan 5782 - The Two Most Beautiful Words


R' Yisroel Besser explains that it's not necessarily about change, but rather sometimes just doing what Jews do is enough for us to have a nechama for the future.

Duration: 3:08


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Rabbi Levin-Parsha Pearls

Rabbi Levin-Parsha Pearls


Tapping into an amazing Medrash, R' Levin gives us a deeper look into the conversation between Moshe and Hashem regarding going into Eretz Yisroel.

Duration: 4:44


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Rabbi Dr. Josh Joseph - Can Advanced Torah Study Be a Crisis?

Rabbi Dr. Josh Joseph - Can Advanced Torah Study Be a Crisis?


We all know that Torah is a great thing and that the more we learn the better we become. But Rabbi Dr. Josh Joseph, through the eyes of the Netziv, warns of the hidden evil inclination within the learning of Torah.

Duration: 12:09


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Va'eschanan 5782: Rebbe Akiva's Shema - Our Most Important Shiur

Va'eschanan 5782: Rebbe Akiva's Shema - Our Most Important Shiur


R' Shoshan takes us deep into the meaning of Shema through the eyes of the Nesivos Shalom, and the word Shema comes to define each of us as a Jew.

Duration: 12:15


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