Thursday, September 29, 2022

Fw: [aneinu] Severe situation with the Mail

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From: "'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu" <>
To: "Chicago Aneinu" <>
Sent: Thu, Sep 29, 2022 at 5:11 PM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Severe situation with the Mail
From an Aneinu member:

I sent out a check for $1000 dollars on Sept 25th. I checked my balance Wednesday morning and I was out $9000. I was shocked. After meeting with a team specialist at my bank I was told I would be reimbursed but it may take 2 - 3 months. I was told by the bank to never send a check by mail and especially at the *Northtown branch. This has happened time and time again and they think it is someone on the inside of the post office who is in on it.
I sent it in a plain white #10 envelope so I thought maybe that is why it was targeted. The bank called today to ask me a question so I asked if I had sent it in one of my business envelopes - a 6 3/4" instead of plain #10 would that have helped. I was told it makes no difference. They rip into all of it.

They "white wash" the name, the amount and the date of the check. They tried to cover the check number by bending back the corner. I so rarely send out a check that I know what the number was. As far as how they get the money - It gets deposited it online so they don't need an ID to cash it. I asked how did they know that there were funds to cover the $9000 and was told they try random amounts and if it works great. If not they try again.
What is being done now? They are trying to work backwards and see which of their bank branches was used to deposit it online and then continue on from there.

My own mailman saw me this summer and I had an envelope in my hand. He said give that to me - do not mail it in any mailbox. and do that all the time. This was not an envelope with any payment. As I said I virtually have no need to send anything let alone a check

*I am not disparaging the Northtown station. I am sure they would like to know how and who as much as the rest of us.

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