Thursday, September 8, 2022

Fwd: All Torah Updates

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From: All Torah <>
Date: Thu, Sep 8, 2022, 4:03 PM
Subject: All Torah Updates
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All Daf
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All New Series: All Parsha on Elul/Tishrei


All Parsha's new expanding series will bring you from Elul to the Yomim Tovim.
This series will begin by featuring exclusive shiurim from Rabbi Zvi Gefen based on the Shiurim of Rav Yitzchok Berkovits.

View The Series

New Episode from Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Brodt


Tracing the Early Origins of Saying L'Dovid during the months of Elul and Tishrei Part 1


00:00 Beginning General introductions including Rishus seltzer story

12:32 Intro about Tehilim daily and in Elul

16:00 Autobiographical accounts of Saying L'dovid

18:00 First source Shem Tov Koton

23:17 Sefer Zechirah

24:05 Drashot Shaar Hamelech

26:14 Siddur R Shabtai

26:54 Panim Yofos

28:05 Siddur Baal HaTanyah

30:40 R Efrayim Zalman Margolis

37:18 Luach in Galicia 38;30 Mishna Berurah

40:50 שירי הלויים

46:40 Sefer HaMussar

47:15 Possible Source from R Chaim HaKohen Talmid of R Chaim Vital

52:39 Possible source from times of Maharsha

55:38 Chemdas Yomim

Listen Now

Featuring: Rabbi Chaim Eisenstein


Daf In Practice: Sincerity guides your Torah study as you strive to apply your learning to your daily grind. Live today's Daf with the practical, real-life application of your learning with a 3-5 minute daily takeaway.


Featured episodes: Kesuvos 57 – Halachic Examples of a Lost Kesubah

Kesuvos 61 – The Prohibition of Passing and Throwing During the Days of Niddah

Kesuvos 64 – Paying for Sevices That Were Rendered on Shabbos—The Scope of Heter Havlaah



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