Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Fwd: Preparing for Selichot

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From: YUTorah <office@yutorah.org>
Date: Tue, Sep 13, 2022, 11:01 AM
Subject: Preparing for Selichot
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

New on YUTorah this Week

Yeshiva University

Center for the Jewish Future

September 13-19 • Elul 17-23

This learning on the site this week was sponsored:

l'ilui nishmas Yonatan Tuvia ben Mordechai

by Mishpachat Katlowitz l'ilui nishmas HaRav Kalman ben Shlomo Hersh

by Dr. Alexander and Meryl Weingarten and family in gratitude to Hakadosh Baruch Hu and in honor of Rav Hershel Schachter, Rav Menachem Penner, Rav Baruch Simon, Rav Moshe Taub, Rav Shlomo Hochberg, Rav Raphael Butler and the Munkatcher Rebbe Shlita

by Michael & Yael Buckstein l'ilui nishmas Raizel Shayna bas Meir Mendel and Yisrael Zvi ben Zev

in honor of Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz

for a refuah shleimah for Tinok ben Sima Razel

New This Week

Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman

Confronting Our Ghosts: Teshuva and Torat Adam

What role do those who have passed on still have in our lives? What are the books of life and death that are open before God?

Listen Now
Mrs. Emma Katz

A Deep Dive into Sefer Yonah

The first in a 4-part miniseries going through the Sefer Yonah and understanding why we read it right before Neilah.

Listen Now
Rabbi Dovid Miller

Shmittat Kesafim

What categories of debts are included in the prohibition of not collecting loans?

Listen Now
Rabbi Hershel Schachter

Teshuva Talks

An interview with Rav Schachter where he goes through the fundamental principles and themes of Teshuva.

Listen Now
Rabbi Ezra Schwartz

Introduction to Tanya

An overview of Baal Hatanya's life and work and introduction to learning the sefer.

Listen Now
Rabbi Mordechai Willig

Teshuva on Bein Adam L'Chaveiro

A different understanding of what baseless hatred really means, and how it leads to our sins against others.

Listen Now
Rabbi Ari Zahtz

Why do we Daven?

As we prepare for the Yamim, perhaps this is the most critical question to think about to be ready.

Listen Now

Featured This Week


Understanding Selichot

Selichot are hard. Why not make them more meaningful with a better appreciation of them?

Browse the Shiurim

Shiurim from YU Israel

In addition to the campuses in NY, you can enjoy the Torah of Yeshiva University as it is given in Jerusalem with the RIETS Israel Kollel.

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