Friday, September 16, 2022

Fwd: Send A Shana Tova Message To Your Maggid Shiur

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From: All Daf <>
Date: Fri, Sep 16, 2022, 8:24 AM
Subject: Send A Shana Tova Message To Your Maggid Shiur
To: <>

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Send A Shana Tova Message to your Maggidei Shiur!

Send A Shana Tova Message to your Maggidei Shiur!


Every time someone sends a thank you note to a Maggid Shiur, acknowledging the work that goes into preparing a shiur, and how much they're enjoying them, it's greatly appreciated by themselves and their families as well.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Reply to this with a text or video message or by clicking on the form below.


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Oraysa Beta Testing Has Begun!

Oraysa Beta Testing Has Begun!


All Daf | Oraysa

We have just launched beta testing for the Oraysa section on All Daf.

If you would like to assist in beta testing please join the following group.
See the group description for beta testing instructions.


Join The Beta Group

L'Dovid Part II - Coming This Motzei Shabbos!

L'Dovid Part II - Coming This Motzei Shabbos!
Daf In Practice With Rabbi Chaim Eisenstein

Daf In Practice With Rabbi Chaim Eisenstein

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