Thursday, September 8, 2022

Fwd: Shofar Masterclass; Political Relationships; "Hate Ends Now" Comes to NJ

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Sep 8, 2022, 8:41 PM
Subject: Shofar Masterclass; Political Relationships; "Hate Ends Now" Comes to NJ
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 בהמצאו The Tefillah Journey Continues
בהמצאו: The Tefillah Journey Continues
OU Torah Initiatives

Every day, we have the incredible opportunity to speak directly with the Ribono shel Olam, the Master of the Universe, but how often do we get distracted, daven without understanding the words, or simply forget that we are standing before Hashem?


Throughout Elul and the Yomim Noraim, discover new content each week from some of our most insightful Torah personalities, including OU EVPs Rabbi Moshe Hauer and Rabbi Dr. Josh Joseph, along with Rabbi Shay Schachter, Mrs. Lori Palatnik, Mrs. Jaclyn Sova and many others.

Watch This Week's Shiurim

PARSHAT KI TETZEI September 9-10, 2022 / 14 Elul 5782


HAFTARAH Isaiah 54:1-10

Around the OU
Do Politicians Have You on Speed Dial?
Do Politicians Have You on Speed Dial?
Maury Litwack

Building relationships with elected officials is easier when they are less known, hold less power, and fewer people want that relationship.

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Yachad Member Featured on Faces of Orthodoxy
Yachad Member Featured on Faces of Orthodoxy
Faces of Orthodoxy

A Yachad member tells her story on Faces of Orthodoxy, an Orthodox Jewish pride social media initiative managed by writer, educator and Jewish social influencer Alex Fleksher. The Instagram feed tells the day-in-the-life stories of diverse Orthodox Jews. Now in its seventh month, this global campaign continues to gain the respect of Orthodox Jews and inspires them to be proud about who they are, what they do, and what they believe.

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Register to Join the Pre-Rosh HaShanah Shofar Seminar
Register to Join the Pre-Rosh HaShanah Shofar Seminar
Orthodox Union

Join Rabbi Eli Gersten, recorder of OU psak and policy; Rabbi Dov Schrier, OU Kosher rabbinic coordinator and baal tokeia; and OU EVP Rabbi Moshe Hauer for a special seminar for baalei tekia on Tuesday, September 13, at noon EDT.

Register for the Seminar
Torah Yerushalayim
Torah Yerushalayim
OU Israel

Join the fourth annual Torah Yerushalayim, an in-person, full day of inspiration in Yerushalayim on Sunday, October 2.

Register Now
Pruzbul 5782
Pruzbul 5782
OU and RCA

With the approach of Rosh Hashanah and the end of the shemittah year, a lender should complete the pruzbul process. This must be done to ensure that any outstanding loans are not cancelled by shemittah and any future collections are made in a halachically permitted manner.

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In-Depth Look at Laws of Kosher by World-Class Instructors
In-Depth Look at the Laws of Kashrus by World-Class Instructors

In August, OU Kosher ran two hands-on, in-person learning experiences through its ASK (Advanced Seminars in Kashrus) OU Summer Kashrus Training Program.

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A Minute of Memory Matters
A Minute of Memory Matters

Join us on Tuesday, September 13, at 11:00 AM EDT for seven quick tips to improve your memory.

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Hate Ends Now Exhibit
"Hate Ends Now" Exhibit

NCSY's "Hate Ends Now" exhibit travels to NJ's Monmouth County to tackle anti-Semitism through the lens of the Holocaust.

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The Correct Number of Lashes
The Correct Number of Lashes
Rabbi Menachem Genack

What is the correct number of lashes to administer? How does the dispute about this relate to the dispute about who can administer them?

Read in Hebrew
Mandated Memory
Mandated Memory
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin

What aspects of Amalek's crimes warrant this treatment?

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Elul Potpourri: Sin, Forgiveness, God's Kingship and More
Elul Potpourri: Sin, Forgiveness, God's Kingship and More
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

Do we believe in sin? Is forgiveness guaranteed? What happens to non-believers? Real-life Q&A for the season!

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To the Third and Fourth Generations
To the Third and Fourth Generations
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

There is, on the face of it, a fundamental contradiction in the Torah: do children suffer for the sins of their parents or not?

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Words Can Never Harm Me?
Words Can Never Harm Me?
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

For many of us, the first pieces of wisdom that we learned were from nursery rhymes and schoolyard jingles.

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Women's Initiative Weekly Parsha Series
Women's Initiative Weekly Parsha Series
Dr. Esther Shkop

Learn about the mitzvot for every experience and encounter for a nation devoted to chesed.

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Bird's Blessings
Bird's Blessings
Rebbetzin Shira Smiles

The cry of a mother for her children, or of a woman who yearns for children, is one of the main motifs of Rosh Hashanah.

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What Is a Pruzbul?
What Is a Pruzbul?
Halacha Yomis

We are now in the midst of a shemittah year. Shemittah has a number of aspects, and one is known as shemittas kesafim, the abrogation of loans, at the conclusion of the shemittah year.

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Featured Company: United Sodas of America
Featured Company: United Sodas of America
OU Kosher

Launched in 2020, United Sodas is reimagining premium soda for the modern day.

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Community Events
Community Spotlight: Fleetwood, NY
Community Spotlight: Fleetwood, NY
Community Projects and Partnerships
Fleetwood Synagogue looks forward to a hachnasat sefer Torah on September 18 at 10 AM EDT.
More Information
Featured Books
Machzor Mesoras HaRav – Yom Kippur
Machzor Mesoras HaRav – Yom Kippur
OU Press

This work presents many of the probing thoughts offered by Rav Soloveitchik in his shiurim, lectures and written works, distilled for the very first time into a concise commentary on the tefillos of the day, from Kol Nidrei and Maariv through Avodas Yom HaKippurim and Neilah.

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Bridging Traditions
Bridging Traditions
OU Press

In Bridging Traditions, Rabbi Haim Jachter applies his wide-ranging expertise to explicating an encyclopedic array of divergences between Ashkenazic and Sephardic halachic practice, while also capturing the diversity within different Sephardic communities.

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Teach Coalition Positions
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All OU Positions
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