Friday, September 9, 2022

Fwd: Your Weekly Devar Torah Has Arrived!

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From: All Parsha <>
Date: Fri, Sep 9, 2022, 8:37 AM
Subject: Your Weekly Devar Torah Has Arrived!
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New Series! All Parsha Elul/Tishrei 5782


All Parsha's new expanding series will bring you from Elul to the Yomim Tovim.
This series will begin by featuring exclusive shiurim from Rabbi Zvi Gefen based on the Shiurim of Rav Yitzchok Berkovits.


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Rabbi Akiva Resnick: Transformation vs. Amputation


There are different ways to do teshuva, and Rabbi Akiva Resnick dissects two different ways to go about it. At this time of year, when we are all working on our battles with the Yetzer Hara, it is crucial to know how to fight that battle. Do we fight full force to the finish or perhaps fight in a more appealing way?


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R' Frand: Cool, Calm, & Collected


It's not necessarily a big deal to keep your cool when things are going smoothly. But what happens when life throws a curveball and you need to step out of your comfort zone? Are you the same person or perhaps something shifts in you? R' Frand delves into the psyche of man and what it takes to serve Hashem in all scenarios and situations.


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R' Kaplan


The Yetzer Hara is always trying to distract us from our avodas Hashem. He uses every trick in the book to get us to focus on ourselves and not Hashem. R' Nissan Kaplan stresses the importance of seeing the deeper reason behind the yetzer hara's action, the long-term meaning.


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R' Shoshan: Hashem Will Bring Victory If We Bring Effort


Fighting the yetzer hara does not just apply to those things we know to be prohibited. It applies even to things that are permitted to us. R' Shoshan explains through the eyes of the Nesivos Shalom that it is here, where things look "kosher" where we need to put up our biggest fight sometimes.


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