Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Fw: [aneinu] Message about Today's Bombing in Israel

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From: "'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu" <>
To: "Chicago Aneinu" <>
Sent: Wed, Nov 23, 2022 at 5:05 PM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Message about Today's Bombing in Israel
I don't know who wrote this but I think the message is vitally important:

Hi Yidden, all Yidden!

I'm not a Tzadik or a preacher and maybe it's not my place but here are my feelings today. If you disagree, please don't respond, just skip. Love you all!

Terror Attacks hit me hard, really hard! But why? We get way too comfortable and Hashem reminds we are still in Galus, yes even in Eretz Yisroel....we are still in this long horrible Galus.

After thousands of years and everything we have been through, we have so many different styles, factions and vibes. When that bomb goes off and when the evil wicked terrorist shoots, stabs, rams his car, he's not differentiating between a Satmar'eh or a Tzioni. They don't care if we have a black yarmulke or kipa sruga. They don't care if it's a girl going to her army base or to Bais Yaakov. They don't care if it's a chiloni taxi driver or a chashuva Rosh Kollel. They don't care if you voted Shas or Gimmel (or a different party). They don't care if we live in Monsey, Kiryas Sefer, Lakewood, London, Yerushalayim, Miami, Efrat, Toronto or Tel Aviv...

They care about *ONE* thing. Kill the Jews!! More Jewish blood needs to be spilled to stand up to "the occupation"...

And today, Hashem allowed them to get their way. We lost a young bochur. He wasn't feeling well and his Mashgiach told him he can stay home and rest but he decided to get up and go to Yeshiva anyways. He didn't have it smooth sailing, as his Rosh Yeshiva who was maspid him said, but he worked on himself and kept trying!

When the bomb was placed there it wasn't trying to kill a metzuyon in a top Yeshiva or a struggling bochur. It was trying to kill YIDDEN, because at the end of the day, we are all one. We have our differences and struggles, but we are one!!

Do we need terror attacks to remind us that we are brothers and sisters? If the answer is yes, because tragedy unites us, why is that? Why can't we put aside differences and respect each other, after all we are all His children! May he have mercy on us all.

May all those injured have a רפואה שלמה.

And that sweet tayara bochur, Aryeh Schupak ה' ינקום דמו. May Hashem be מנחם his family.

מי שאמר לעולמו די יאמר לצרותינו די

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