Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Fw: Thanksgiving in Halacha

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Sent: Tue, Nov 22, 2022 at 11:02 AM
Subject: Thanksgiving in Halacha
Thanksgiving in Halacha
New on YUTorah this Week

Yeshiva University

Center for the Jewish Future

November 22-28 • Cheshvan 28-Kislev 4

This learning on the site this week was sponsored:

for a refuah shleimah for Yehuda Baruch Noam ben Tova Batya betoch shar cholei Yisrael

by Jason Ohayon MD to mark the yahrzeit of his father Rephael ben HaRav Yossef Avraham

by Avi & Aleeza Lauer and Mordechai & Astrid Leifer to mark the yahrtzeit of their dear friend Gary Slochowsky a'h.

by Ezra And Millie Fried in loving memory of Sarah Gittel Bas Avraham (Gitty Ackerman)

by Solomon Monderer in honor of יחזקאל בן אברהם ו‏הרב ‏יוסף בן שלמה אריה

New This Week

Rabbi Mordechai Djavaheri

Late to a Fast Minyan: Some Practical Skipping Ideas

We can't all get to davening on time every time.

Listen Now
Rabbi Daniel Feldman

The Mitzvah of Hachnasas Orchim

Why does the chesed of hospitality have such a special focus in the Torah?

Listen Now
Rabbi Shay Schachter

The Primary Quality When Looking for a Shidduch

Lessons from our avos.

Listen Now
Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter

Parents and Children: In this World and the Next

A special yahrtzeit shiur on Kibbud Av V'em in memory of Rabbi Schacter's mother, Mrs. Pnina Schacter a"h.

Listen Now
Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Weinberg

Acknowledging Our Thanks for Bechiras Yisrael

Chanuka insights from Rav Hutner - What's the difference between the end of Al Hanisim on Chanuka and on Purim?

Listen Now

Featured This Week


Celebrating Thanksgiving?

Is a Jew permitted to celebrate Thanksgiving? Is a Jew obligated to celebrate Thanksgiving? Learn the Torah perspective on non-Jewish holidays and customs.

Browse the Shiurim

The Laws and Ethics of Online Shopping

If you are using the internet to either buy or sell anything, you need to listen to these shiurim on the Torah's perspective of how to do it right.

Browse the Shiurim

The Month of Kislev

What is the theme of the month and how do we approach this time of the Jewish calendar?

Browse the Shiurim

Kollel & Midreshet Yom Rishon @YUTORAH

There was no program this past week. Please enjoy shiurim from our archives.

The Abraham Arbesfeld Kollel Yom Rishon for Men and Millie Arbesfeld Midreshet Yom Rishon for Women are programs of Yeshiva University's Center for the Jewish Future.


Insights to the Daf with Shiurim for the week of Nedarim 22-28

Rabbi Avishai David: Parameters of Nidrei Zeruzin; Connection to Hataras Nedarim of Kol Nidrei (23a)

Rabbi Isaac Rice: Appreciating What Eretz Yisrael Does For Us (22a)

Rabbi Hershel Schachter: Kol Nidrei, Mesiras Modaah, Ati Dibbur uMevatel Dibbur (23a) Asmachta & Kalsah Kinyano (27a)

Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner​​​​​​: Why Learn the book of Yehoshua? (22b)

212.960.5263 | cjf@yu.edu

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Center for the Jewish Future
500 West 185th Street, Furst Hall 419
New York, NY 10033

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