Thursday, November 17, 2022

Fwd: Age With Grace; Yachad REACH Referrals; On Remaining Unperturbed

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Nov 17, 2022, 6:18 PM
Subject: Age With Grace; Yachad REACH Referrals; On Remaining Unperturbed
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OU Welcomes Jewish Agency Chair Major General Doron Almog
OU Welcomes Jewish Agency Chair Major General Doron Almog
Orthodox Union

The leadership of the Orthodox Union was honored to welcome and meet with Major General (Res.) Doron Almog, chairman of the executive of the Jewish Agency for Israel. The group discussed the work the OU is doing for Jewish communities across North America, as well as the missions of OU Israel to work with youth across the country and to support English speaking olim.

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PARSHAT CHAYEI SARA November 18-19, 2022 / 25 Cheshvan 5783


HAFTARAH I Kings 1:1-31


THIS SHABBAT Mevarchim HaChodesh for the month of Kislev


SPECIAL DAYS Rosh Chodesh Kislev is celebrated on Thursday, November 24, and Friday, November 25.

Around the OU
Orthodox Union: Clarifying Statement With Regard to the Respect for Marriage Act
Orthodox Union: Clarifying Statement With Regard to the Respect for Marriage Act
Orthodox Union

The OU has not changed its position on same-sex marriage legislation. The OU has, however, supported the formalization of protections and respect for people of faith, their institutions, and their values.

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Seder Moed Starts Today — Download the All Mishnah App
Seder Moed Starts Today — Download the All Mishnah App
All Mishnah

Now is the perfect time to start the journey to learn all six sedarim of the Mishnah in just a few minutes each day. Today, the Mishnah Yomi cycle begins Seder Moed — download the All Mishnah app to get started.

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What to Do When Your Candidate Doesn't Win
What to Do When Your Candidate Doesn't Win
Maury Litwack

What should community leadership do when they put their money on the wrong horse? Should they give up? Sit tight and wait for four years? Hope against hope that everybody calms down?

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OU Yachad Program Expands Nationally to Help Families With Special Needs Referrals
OU Yachad Program Expands Nationally to Help Families With Special Needs Referrals

Yachad has expanded its Yachad REACH database to include national resources to connect families who have children with special needs to the information they need.

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Help Fund Security for Synagogues and Schools
Help Fund Security for Synagogues and Schools
OU Advocacy

In the coming weeks, Congress will decide the 2023 funding level for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP), a program that provides security funding for houses of worship and schools. With rising antisemitism, we need your help.

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Discussion of Top Issues for NY's Diverse Interfaith Community
Discussion of Top Issues for NY's Diverse Interfaith Community
Teach NYS

Join us on December 13 when OU EVP Rabbi Moshe Hauer and OU Managing Director of Public Affairs Maury Litwack will be speaking at an event that will bring together political and community leaders who are working to enhance the contributions of diverse communities of faith.

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Age With Grace: Staying Sharper Longer
Age With Grace: Staying Sharper Longer

On Tuesday, November 22, learn how diet, exercise, cognitive stimulation, and social stimulation affect the way you age.

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Marketing for Your Nonprofit: Expense or Investment?
Marketing for Your Nonprofit: Expense or Investment?
Orthodox Union

Join the OU and TribeWorks Events on Wednesday, December 7, for a session on nonprofit leadership and a roundtable discussion in Staten Island, NY. Use discount code TRIBEWORKSDISCOUNT82 when registering for a special price.

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Nesi Elokim
Nesi Elokim
Rabbi Moshe Hauer

A central mandate of the Jewish people is kiddush Hashem, the sanctification of God's name by making His presence felt in our world.

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Three Miracles and Three Mitzvot
Three Miracles and Three Mitzvot
Rabbi Menachem Genack

The three miracles in the tents of Sarah and Rivkah signify that their homes were abodes of the Shechinah—and this continues to our day through three parallel mitzvot.

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On Remaining Unperturbed
On Remaining Unperturbed
Rabbi Norman Lamm ztz"l

Crisis is the litmus test of character, and change in fortune the barometer of a man's soul.

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I'm On a Spiritual Quest and I Have Some Questions...
"I'm On a Spiritual Quest and I Have Some Questions..."
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

Does God make evil? Did God kill David's son for his father's sin? Can God's existence be proven? You have many questions, Mr. Sparkle!

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A Call From the Future
A Call From the Future
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

How does a man of 137 keep going after experiencing trauma and bereavement? What gave Avraham the ability to forge ahead?

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To Eulogize and to Weep
To Eulogize and to Weep
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

Kindergarten children are delightfully oblivious to the distinction between what adults call reality and the imaginary world.

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Women's Initiative Weekly Parsha Series
Women's Initiative Weekly Parsha Series
Dr. Chana Tannenbaum

This parsha provides the opportunity to reevaluate what gifts we have and how we can pass them on to the next generation.

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Perfect Perspective
Perfect Perspective
Rebbetzin Shira Smiles

Sara Imeinu's life was certainly not free of suffering. How can one say that all the years of her life were equally good?

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Which Comes First?
Which Comes First?
Halacha Yomis

"I have not yet davened Musaf and it is already the time to daven Mincha…."

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Yemenite Breads
Yemenite Breads
Steven Genack

One could say that a "close sister" to cholent is Yemenite bread, especially kubaneh and jachnun, as they are heated from Friday night until the next day. Get an in-depth look at the history of these delicacies.

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Featured Books
The Person in the Parasha
The Person in the Parasha
OU Press

The Person in the Parasha, Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb's compilation of essays based on his highly popular column of the same name, offers the unique point of view of a world-renowned Torah scholar, community rabbi and clinical psychotherapist.

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The Koren NCSY Siddur
The Koren NCSY Siddur
OU Press

An inspirational collaboration, The Koren NCSY Siddur has been designed as a tool for young people to explore their relationship to their God, their history, the values and religion of their people, and ultimately their own identity.

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NCSY Positions
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All OU Positions
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