Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Fwd: Hakhel Yid Resources

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From: Hakhel Project Likkutei Sichos <hakhel@projectlikkuteisichos.org>
Date: Tue, Nov 22, 2022, 9:22 PM
Subject: Hakhel Yid Resources
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

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Hakhel Merch

Wow it was so nice to see everyone on Friday and Sunday this week at the Kinus. baruch Hashem we gave out over 3000 Hakhel Yid Sweatshits and Caps. For those who did not have a chance to drop by or we ran out of sizes, please stay tuned for a special announcement about more Project Likkutei Sichos Merch.   

Sicha #1: חלק טו • תולדות • שיחה ג

Women's Shiur

by Mrs. Freidy Yanover

Women's Shiur

by Mrs. Rivky Slonim

Meaningful Minute

by R' Mendel Lipskier

Farbrengen on the Sicha

Podcast by R' Yossi Serebryanski

Sicha Poems

by Mrs. Chanie Gourarie

Kids Video

by Gourarie Family

Sicha Summary

by R' Eli Block 

60 Second  Reel

by R' Shmuli Nachlas

Sicha Poem Hebrew

by Mrs. Chanie Gourarie

Sicha 4 Poems

by R' Mottel Friedman

Sicha #2: חלק טו • תולדות • שיחה ד

60 Seconds Reel

by R' Ari Shishler

Sicha 4 Summary

by R' Eli Block 

Story on the Sicha

by R' Yossi Nemes

Feature of the Week

Are you learning the Sicha with your family or friends? Please send us photos or short video clips so we can share them with others. Check out our Instagram Highlights for Hakhel Yid Pictures.  

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