Friday, November 25, 2022

Fwd: NCSY in Puerto Rico; Two Approaches to Life; Tefillah Tools

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Nov 24, 2022, 7:36 PM
Subject: NCSY in Puerto Rico; Two Approaches to Life; Tefillah Tools
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OU's Torah Initiatives Program for 1,500 Middle School Students Kicks Off at Schools Nationwide
OU's Torah Initiatives Program for 1,500 Middle School Students Kicks Off at Schools Nationwide
Torah Initiatives

Last week, about 1,500 students from 12 middle schools embarked on a Torah-learning journey as part of the OU's Torah Initiatives All Mishnah Junior program.

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PARSHAT TOLDOT November 25-26, 2022 / 2 Kislev 5783


HAFTARAH Malachi 1:1 – 2:7


SPECIAL DAY Second day of Rosh Chodesh Kislev is celebrated on Friday, November 25

Around the OU
NCSY Relief Mission in Puerto Rico
NCSY Relief Mission in Puerto Rico
NCSY Relief Missions

OU's NCSY relief mission to Puerto Rico sends New Jersey high school students to help with cleanup from Hurricane Fiona.

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OU-JLIC Represents at Pro-Israel Conference
OU-JLIC Represents at Pro-Israel Conference

Hundreds of OU-JLIC and Yavneh college students gathered with world leaders at the year's largest and most prominent pro-Israel conference, hosted by JNF-USA.

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Executive Director and Administrator Conference in Tampa, FL
OU Hosts Executive Director and Administrator Conference in Tampa, FL
Karasick Department of Synagogue Initiatives

Earlier this month, the OU's Synagogue Initiatives department hosted its annual Executive Director and Administrator Conference, a unique networking and professional development opportunity for synagogue professionals.

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Building Blocks: A Seder Completed
Building Blocks: A Seder Completed
All Mishnah

Rabbi Avi Rosalimsky, a contributor on the All Mishnah app, and app users share their stories of the impact that learning mishnayos has made in their lives.

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Tefillah Tools and Techniques
Tefillah Tools and Techniques

On Tuesday, November 29, Mrs. Tamar Nusbaum, founder and director of Ani Tefillah, will be sharing practical tools and techniques to help transform your prayers.

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Nissim Black in Fair Lawn, NJ
Nissim Black in Fair Lawn, NJ
Tachlis Media

Hear Nissim's inspiring Jewish journey on December 3 in Fair Lawn, NJ, when he is interviewed by Jeff Cohen for the OU's Saturday to Shabbos podcast.

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SPIRIT: Let's Talk!
SPIRIT: Let's Talk!

Join us on Wednesday evening, November 30, for an interactive and social discussion on gift-giving.

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Discussion of Top Issues for NY's Diverse Interfaith Community
Discussion of Top Issues for NY's Diverse Interfaith Community
Teach NYS

Join us on December 13 when OU EVP Rabbi Moshe Hauer and OU Managing Director of Public Affairs Maury Litwack will be speaking at an event that will bring together political and community leaders who are working to enhance the contributions of diverse communities of faith.

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Marketing for Your Nonprofit: Expense or Investment?
Marketing for Your Nonprofit: Expense or Investment?
Orthodox Union

Join the OU and TribeWorks Events on Wednesday, December 7, for a session on nonprofit leadership and a roundtable discussion in Staten Island, NY. Use discount code TRIBEWORKSDISCOUNT82 when registering for a special price.

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The Essence of Blessing
The Essence of Blessing
Rabbi Moshe Hauer

When Yaakov was given his blessing, he was told "G-d shall grant you the dew of the heavens…." When his brother Eisav was given a similar blessing, he was simply told that the dew of the heavens would be his.

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Yitzchak's Blessings
Yitzchak's Blessings
Rabbi Menachem Genack

The drama surrounding Yitzchak's blessings to Yaakov and Esav symbolizes and prefigures the future lottery between two goats, one destined to be brought to G-d and one to Azazel.

Read in Hebrew
Finding Yitzchak
Finding Yitzchak
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin

Survivors cannot live on dreams and promises. Only the concrete allows them to persevere.

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Wisdom and the Wise
Wisdom and the Wise
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

What's the difference between an intellectual and a scholar? Did Chava become wise before Adam? More real-life Q&A!

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A Father's Love
A Father's Love
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

We have no difficulty understanding why Rebecca loved Jacob; she had received an oracle from G-d. The real question is, why did Isaac love Esau?

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Friday Night with Grandpa
Friday Night with Grandpa
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

Veteran readers of this column are familiar with my paternal grandfather, Chaim Yitzchak Weinreb. He had studied under renowned Talmudists back in the old country, and his fervent wish was to see his grandchildren grow up to be dedicated Talmud students.

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Women's Initiative Weekly Parsha Series
Women's Initiative Weekly Parsha Series
Dr. Chana Tannenbaum

Parshat Toldot teaches of the difficult decisions women must make to ensure the continuation of the covenantal community.

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Two Approaches to Life
Two Approaches to Life
Rabbi Shalom Rosner

In this week's parsha we find a clear contrast between two biblical figures and their reaction to the proximity of the end of life.

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Reciting V'sein Tal Umatar 90 Times on Shabbos?
Reciting V'sein Tal Umatar 90 Times on Shabbos?
Halacha Yomis

The Shulchan Aruch says if v'sein tal umatar was repeated 90 times in one day it can be assumed that a new habit pattern is established….

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How to Begin Keeping a Gratefulness Journal
How to Begin Keeping a Gratefulness Journal
Adina Soclof

As Jews we are familiar with the trait of gratefulness. Being grateful means noticing the good in your life and in the world around you, and being thankful for it.

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Featured Books
OU Manual for Checking Fruits and Vegetables – Fifth Edition
OU Manual for Checking Fruits and Vegetables – Fifth Edition
OU Press

This comprehensive work discusses the important issue of insect infestation in the foods we eat and how to properly prepare those foods.

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Unlocking the Torah Text – Bereishit
Unlocking the Torah Text – Bereishit
OU Press

Unlocking the Torah Text provides an in-depth journey into the Torah portion through a series of studies on each parsha. Each study opens with a brief summary of the narrative and then presents probing questions designed to strike to the core of the text.

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OU-JLIC Positions
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All OU Positions
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