Friday, November 18, 2022

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 24 Cheshvan 5783/November 18, 2022

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From: Agudath Israel of America <>
Date: Fri, Nov 18, 2022 at 12:38 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 24 Cheshvan 5783/November 18, 2022
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Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual.

November 18, 2022 - 24 Cheshvan 5783

News from the Agudah:

  • Rabbi Ariel Sadwin, Maryland's Regional Director, was featured in the Baltimore Jewish Times this week where he was interviewed about his career as a government liaison in Maryland. See below to read the full article.

  • Attention Georgia Residents: The State of Georgia requires the winner of an election to receive at least 50% of the vote. In this year's election for US Senate seat, none of the candidates met that threshold. As a result, Georgia will be holding a runoff election on December 6. See below for important voting dates and deadlines.

  • Levaker is an opportunity to re-experience the in-depth learning of yeshiva. The shiurim will be based on a sugya from the current week's Daf Yomi. See below for more information and how to join.

  • The Sugyos B'Daf Yomi shiur series this week will be given by Rabbi Aharon Kahn, Rav, Knesses Bais Avigdor. See below for more details.

  • Bnos and Pirchei newsletters: To download this week's Bnos newsletter, click here. Click here to download this week's Pirchei newsletter.

Rabbi Ariel Sadwin Featured in Baltimore Jewish TImes

This week, Rabbi Ariel Sadwin, Agudah of Maryland's Regional Director, was featured in an article in the Baltimore Jewish Times where he was interviewed about his career as a government liaison.

Click here or the image above to read the article.

Georgia Runoff Election

The State of Georgia requires the winner of an election to receive at least 50% of the vote. In this year's election for US Senate seat, none of the candidates met that threshold. As a result, Georgia will be holding a runoff election on December 6. With the eyes of the country once again focused on Georgia, this is an opportunity to demonstrate to local and state officials that our community is civically engaged and gets out to vote. 

Please see the calendar above or click here to view registration and voting deadlines.


Levaker is a weekly opportunity to relive the energy and vibrancy of learning in yeshiva through in-depth study of a sugya selected from the week's Daf Yomi. Based on the incomparable shiurim of the Gadol and Posek Hador, Rabbi Moshe Feinstein Zatzal, Levaker offers a rare glimpse into the thinking of one of the most brilliant and original minds in recent history.

Click here or on the image above to join or for more information.

Sugyos B'Daf Yomi


Motzei Shabbos, Parshas Vayera, at 7:45 PM EDT: Rabbi Aharon Kahn, Rav, Knesses Bais Avigdor


Khal Bnei Torah/ Kollel Dirshu Flatbush, Rabbi Shlomo Cynamon, Mara D'asra, Avenue K and Nostrand Avenue, Brooklyn NY.

Virtual Information:

Watch live at, or call in at 718.298.2077 x52.

Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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