Thursday, November 10, 2022

Fwd: Still Need A Devar Torah?

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From: All Parsha <>
Date: Thu, Nov 10, 2022, 5:39 PM
Subject: Still Need A Devar Torah?
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Guest Series: Rabbi Daniel Steinherz: Letting Go

Guest Series: Rabbi Daniel Steinherz: Letting Go


What was Yitzchak's role in the Akeida? Rabbi Steinherz talks not only about Yitzchak's critical role during this huge moment in Klal Yisroel's history, but also an important lesson and gift Yitzchak gave us for all time.


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Rabbi Elefant: Giving Over


The greatness of Avraham Avinu was not just the amazing spiritual heights he achieved i his lifetime. His greatness was also, and perhaps even more important, that he gave over to others the awareness and education of what it means to serve Hashem.


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Rabbi Lopiansky: The Test

Rabbi Lopiansky: The Test


When we think of someone testing someone, there are many different directions one can go to define what kind of test we're talking about. But when it comes to Hashem, and His testing Avraham Avinu, most, if not all, of that definition do not apply. In this week's Parsha Rav Lopiansky delves into what the test Hashem gave Avraham really was.


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Rabbi Silber: Promise or Reason


Why were Avraham and Sara zocheh to have a child after so many years of waiting? Rabbi Silber delves into the two possibilities and the deeply rooted connection between them.


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