Friday, November 25, 2022

Fwd: Still Need A Devar Torah?

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Date: Fri, Nov 25, 2022, 8:54 AM
Subject: Still Need A Devar Torah?
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Guest Series: Rabbi Herman -  Sub Conscious Environment

Guest Series: Rabbi Herman - Sub Conscious Environment


In this week's guest Parsha series, Rabbi Herman shares with us a fascinating insight into the mindset of Rivka Imeinu. It would be her upbringing that would ultimately show and express her level of sensitivity in the realm of avodas Hashem.


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Rabbi Rosner: Tired Of Doing Nothing

Rabbi Rosner: Tired Of Doing Nothing


In this week's Parsha Rabbi Rosner explains the depth of the simple word "ayeif", and how a Jew should have a completely different mentality when it comes to his avodas Hashem.


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Join Chevra Shanyim Mikra

Join Chevra Shanyim Mikra


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Rabbi Goldberg: Davening For…. Me

Rabbi Goldberg: Davening For…. Me


What's going on in our minds when we raven for someone else? Is that person a chessed case, a nebach?
Rabbi Goldberg teaches us a valuable lesson about what who Tefilla is really supposed to be for.


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Join Thousands Using The Shanayim Mikrah Dashboard!


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Rabbi Frand: Pure Satisfaction

Rabbi Frand: Pure Satisfaction


In a way that only Rabbi Frand could, he brings home a lesson on how to life a fulfilling life based on the life of Avraham Avinu. As the Torah completes the story of Avraham's life, Rabbi Frand stops for a moment to commemorate the greatness of what his life was really about.


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Rabbi Elefant: What's in a Name?

Rabbi Elefant: What's in a Name?


We were all given names as children, yet how many of us truly understand the power and influence that name has on us during our lifetime. Rabbi Elefant explains the difference between the names of Yaakov and Eisav and how these names created the people they would ultimately be.


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