Thursday, November 3, 2022

Fwd: Time to Vote; Israeli Elections; Book of the Upright

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Nov 3, 2022, 9:34 PM
Subject: Time to Vote; Israeli Elections; Book of the Upright
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A Right, a Privilege, and an Obligation
A Right, a Privilege, and an Obligation
Rabbi Moshe Hauer

Election Day is almost here! This election holds much importance for Jewish communities, and it is imperative for us to vote. Read OU EVP Rabbi Moshe Hauer's personal reflection on the importance of voting and the great privilege that it is.

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It's Not Just a Matter of Who Wins
It's Not Just a Matter of Who Wins
Teach Coalition

From the We Vote Shabbat movements in NY and NJ to the Great Big Vote 2022 event in Teaneck this Sunday, the message from Teach NYS and Teach NJ is clear—no matter who you're voting for, make sure to show up at the polls on Election Day next week and make your voice heard.

Explore Everything You Need to Know About Vote 2022

PARSHAT LECH LECHA November 4-5, 2022 / 11 Cheshvan 5783


HAFTARAH Isaiah 40:27-41:16

Around the OU
OU Congratulates Benjamin Netanyahu Upon Israeli Election Results
OU Congratulates Benjamin Netanyahu Upon Israeli Election Results
Orthodox Union

Today, the leadership of the OU congratulates Benjamin Netanyahu upon the apparent results of Israel's election and his likely return to leading the State of Israel's government as Prime Minister.

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Semichas Chaver Siyum Recap
Semichas Chaver Siyum Recap
Torah Initiatives

The Semichas Chaver Program, Torah Initiatives' in-depth halacha program, hosted its annual siyum this past week in Florida, Baltimore and New York.

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How to Win Friends and Influence
How to Win Friends and Influence
Maury Litwack

Hate crimes committed against our community in the streets. Unabashed anti-Semitism voiced by celebrities. We're all talking about this, we're all feeling this, but the most pressing question is, "Where are our friends?"

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Yerushalmi Yomi With All Daf
Yerushalmi Yomi With All Daf
All Daf

Begin the new Yerushalmi cycle on Monday, November 14, with All Daf's new Yerushalmi shiurim, Yerushalmi Yomi tracker, and more features to come. Join Rabbi Shalom Rosner, Rabbi Zechariah Resnik and others as they begin this 5½ year journey through a new world of Torah learning.

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Signed, Sealed, Delivered
Signed, Sealed, Delivered
Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin

In Tractate Ketubot, the Talmud gives us a master class in everlasting love.

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New From OU Press — The Akeidah
New From OU Press — The Akeidah
OU Press

Michael Kaiser brings a creative and original interpretation of this haunting saga of faith, which has intrigued the world for millennia.

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IVDU School to Offer Eligible Students Driver's Ed
IVDU School to Offer Eligible Students Driver's Ed

IVDU School for Special Education will offer its eligible students driver's education. IVDU will be the first special education school in NY to teach the DMV-approved standardized course.

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Rabbi Hauer Visits CUNY Queens College and University of Maryland
Rabbi Hauer Visits CUNY Queens College and University of Maryland
Rabbi Hauer met with students on the two campuses and discussed topics that included the importance of being involved in the community and of using one's potential to make the world better.
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Nissim Black Concert With Bar-Ilan University
Nissim Black Concert With Bar-Ilan University

Mizrachi OU-JLIC and Bar-Ilan University hosted over 500 gap-year students, lone soldiers, and b'not sherut at a Nissim Black concert in order to announce the official partnership between Mizrachi OU-JLIC and Bar-Ilan University.

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Avraham and Lot
Avraham and Lot
Rabbi Menachem Genack

Even before their literal parting of ways, the Torah alludes to a growing ideological rift between Avraham and his nephew Lot.

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Finished and Unfinished Journeys
Finished and Unfinished Journeys
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin

Not all of us have the strength or the ability to be an Avraham, but, at least, we must avoid being a Terach.

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Should I Be a Noachide or a Karaite?
Should I Be a Noachide or a Karaite?
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

The decision hinges on whether or not to accept the Oral Law. But why would God make an Oral Law?

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Journey of the Generations
Journey of the Generations
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

One of the great discoveries that comes with age is that, having spent a lifetime running away from our parents, we have become very much like them.

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The Book of the Upright
The Book of the Upright
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

One wonders about the origins of upright behavior. How did Abraham, for example, learn to be yashar?

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Women's Initiative Weekly Parsha Series
Women's Initiative Weekly Parsha Series
Dr. Chana Tannenbaum

Join us to find out how major world conflict impacts Avraham.

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Afflictions Affect
Afflictions Affect
Rebbetzin Shira Smiles

There are many aspects of the relationship between Sarah Imeinu and Hagar that demand exploration and explanation.

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Mistaken Bracha on Milk While Fleishig
Mistaken Bracha on Milk While Fleishig
Halacha Yomis

"I forgot that I had eaten fleishigs and I poured myself a cup of coffee with milk. Only after I recited the bracha did I remember that I had eaten meat. What should I do?"

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Featured Books
Chumash Mesoras HaRav – Sefer Bereishis
Chumash Mesoras HaRav – Sefer Bereishis
OU Press

Edited with great skill by Dr. Arnold Lustiger, this groundbreaking Chumash collects and adapts the Rav's writings and teachings into a commentary on sefer Bereishis that reflects his intellectual breadth and depth, his exegetical creativity and the timelessness of his insights.

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The Gift of Rest: Rediscovering the Beauty of the Sabbath
The Gift of Rest: Rediscovering the Beauty of the Sabbath
OU Press

The Gift of Rest: Rediscovering the Beauty of the Sabbath is Senator Joe Lieberman's exploration of the profound impact that the observance of the Sabbath has had on him.

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Human Resources Positions
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