Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Fwd: חלק טו • ויצא • שיחה ג + ד

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From: Project Likkutei Sichos <>
Date: Wed, Nov 30, 2022, 1:01 AM
‪Subject: חלק טו • ויצא • שיחה ג + ד‬
To: Yaakov <>

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Buy some snacks, and have your family take turns reading. The Sicha summery, watch the kid's video, the poems, and so much more. Hakhel Yid!


Sicha #1: חלק טו • ויצא • שיחה ג

Sicha 3 Summary

by R' Eli Block 

Sicha 4 Poems

by R' Mottel Friedman

Farbrengen on the Sicha

Podcast by R' Yossi Serebryanski

90 Seconds Reel

by R' Ari Shishler

Meaningful Minute

by R' Mendel Lipskier

60 Second Reel

by Mrs. Rivky Slonim

Sicha #2: חלק טו • ויצא • שיחה ד

Kids Video

by Gourarie Family

Sicha 4 Summary

by R' Eli Block 

Story on the Sicha

by R' Yossi Nemes

Sicha 3 Poems

by Mrs. Chanie Gourarie

Feature of the Week

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