Monday, December 26, 2022

Fw: NSN Year End Campaign finale live from Israel this week!

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Sent: Mon, Dec 26, 2022 at 11:04 AM
Subject: NSN Year End Campaign finale live from Israel this week!
NSN Year End Campaign finale live from Israel this week!
NSN / JM in the AM Weekly Newsletter                                                  
December 26, 2022

On behalf of Staci & Nachum Segal and the entire NSN family, we wish everyone a Chag Urim Sameach and a Freilichen Chanukah!

Today on JM in the AM:

Tomorrow on JM in the AM:
  • Mattes Weingast guest-hosts the program presenting great Jewish music, Elliot Weiselberg with the Yehsiva League Sports Update and Morning Chizuk with Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser: (6:00 a.m. ET)
  • Nachum hosted Phil Rosen, Chairman Emeritus of Likud USA and Vice Chair of the Republican Jewish Coalition, to discuss the latest political news out of Israel: Click here
  • Nachum was joined by Mrs. Slovie Jungreis-Wolff to explore Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis's, ob"m, ArtScroll release "Be a Blessing: A Guide to Living One's Mission to the Fullest." Click here
  • Nachum featured Dr. Coach Jonathan Halpert and his latest book "Driveway Hoops: An Illustrated Guide to Basketball Fundamentals for Kids, Parents, and Coaches": Click here
  • Nachum welcomed Ronnie and Larry Birnbaum of J Drugs to the program to discuss the NSN Year End Campaign and more. Click here
  • Nachum interviewed Aryeh Kunstler about "Menorah," a song remake/collaboration between Aryeh and his father Avi Kunstler for the classic song Avi wrote on his Eyes On Jerusalem album 40 years ago: Click here
  • Nachum spoke with author Tamar Ansh about her latest ArtScroll release "Let's Get Bentching!": Click here
  • Nachum hosted Tefilla Buxbaum, Director of Resource Development at Yad Ezra V'Shulamit, to discuss their current "Light Up a Hungry Child's Life" campaign: Click here
  • Nachum interviewed Rabbi Yisroel Besser about his latest ArtScroll release "Reb Dovid: The Life and Legacy of Rabbi Dovid Feinstein": Click here
  • Check out all of our great NSN program archives HERE.
  • Do you have a friend who would love JM in the AM and NSN? Forward them this newsletter and remind them how easy it is to listen (NSNApp,, 605.562.4400). 

This Week on NSN:
  • On this week's edition of JM Sunday, Avrumi Finkelstein guest-hosted the program and presented great Jewish music, the latest news from Israel and Morning Chizuk with Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser.
  • Yeshiva League Sports has returned to JM in the AM! Elliot Weiselberg presents the Yeshiva League Sports Update every Tuesday morning on JM in the AM. Tune in for the latest news concerning the yeshiva leagues. (7:20 a.m. ET)
  • Mattes Weingast guest-hosts Tuesday's JM in the AM  presenting great Jewish music, Elliot Weiselberg with the Yehsiva League Sports Update and Morning Chizuk with Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser: (6:00 a.m. ET)
  • Mayer Fertig guest-hosts Wednesday's JM in the AM presenting great Jewish music, the latest news from Israel and Morning Chizuk with Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser: (6:00 a.m. ET)
  • Nachum Segal presents Thursday's JM in the AM live from the Nefesh B'Nefesh headquarters in Jerusalem. (6:00 a.m. ET)
  • Make sure to tune in on Thursday nights at 10:00 p.m. ET for Tani Talks Parsha with Tani Guterman on NSN. In every episode Tani shares a quick thought about the parsha of the week with some practical lessons to keep.
  • Tune in on Friday morning for the wrap up of our NSN Year-End Campaign being broadcast live from Israel. Contribute to the campaign HERE.  (6:00 a.m. ET)
  • Do you have a friend who would love JM in the AM and NSN? Forward them this newsletter and remind them how easy it is to listen (NSNApp,, 605.562.4400).    
NSN Kosher Halftime Show 2022 starring Rav Shlomo Katz שלמה כ"ץ is available for viewing. Click HERE or the image below to enjoy right now.
Thank you to our presenting sponsor The Rothenberg Law Firm LLP.
Thank you to our commercial sponsors Shiloh Winery and Kosherdotcom.
#onlyonNSN #KHS2022
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