Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Fwd: All 2022 - Brief End Of Year Message

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From: Rabbi Moshe Schwed <>
Date: Wed, Dec 28, 2022, 1:18 PM
Subject: All 2022 - Brief End Of Year Message
To: <>

All Daf

End of Year


I write to you as the calendar year 2022 comes to a close. I often express to people who approach me sharing their thanks for the All Torah apps, that in truth the real thanks belong to the Maggidei Shiur, Rabbonim, men and women who take the time to prepare and deliver their Torah. There is something for everyone. Whether you're a Daf learner, both Bavli and Yerushalmi, need a quick vort on the Parsha or have time for something longer, or you've decided to learn Mishnah Yomi, we are here to make your learning experience easy and enjoyable.

There is so much more to accomplish. New projects to embark on, while maintaining and expanding the current platforms. Would you consider showing gratitude for all their work by dedicating an existing shiur or series? Dedicating a new project?

All shiur and platform dedications are displayed on the app and website. Dedications and their messages are shared with the Maggid Shiur (or tech and support team members) you wish to honor.

INTRODUCING AMUDEI ALL TORAH SOCIETY! Any dedication above $1000 will be joining a new society being launched this upcoming calendar year. Visual display in the app, special shiurim, and gatherings for those able to partner with us and be the Amudim/pillars of the All Torah platform.

We attribute our accomplishments to the One Above, and hope for continued success in attaining new goals and aspirations in the years to come.


With much admiration,

Moshe Schwed





Accomplishments, Highlights and Goals

All Daf: Completed 3 years with 68,000 app downloads, launched updated All Daf 2.0 and Yerushalmi section with 2,500 people learning Yerushalmi daily.

All Parsha: Completed 1 1/2 years with 28,000 app downloads, 11,000 Shnayim Mikrah dashboard users, and many exclusive weekly speakers.

All Mishnah: Completed Year 1 with nearly 20,000 app downloads, thousands around the world learned and completed Seder Zeraim with Mishnah Yomi for the very first time.

Goals: A new Torah platform, a dedicated phone hotline, Android Auto, and CarPlay across the apps, and another 50,000 downloads on the current apps.

get it on google app get it on app

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