Friday, December 2, 2022

Fwd: Meet the Navigator; Parsha Trivia; Got a Story?

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Dec 1, 2022, 9:14 PM
Subject: Meet the Navigator; Parsha Trivia; Got a Story?
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Meet the Navigator
Meet the Navigator
OU Navigator

The Navigator is the Jewish help desk for non-emergency situations. Have a personal or communal need? The OU can connect you to the right people via our immense network of partners, friends and resources – synagogues, non-profit organizations, businesses, community leaders and a professional staff involved in all areas of Jewish life.

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For Avromie Adler, International Director of Yachad, Integration Is Key
For Avromie Adler, International Director of Yachad, Integration Is Key
Meet the OU

There are so many individuals who devote their time, resources, and careers to enhancing Jewish life and impacting the Jewish community. Our new profile series, Meet the OU, will introduce you to these dedicated professionals and lay leaders who power all of the OU's programs and services. First up is the incredible Avromie Adler, International Director of Yachad.

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PARSHAT VAYEITZEI December 2-3, 2022 / 9 Kislev 5783


HAFTARAH Hosea 12:13-14:10


SPECIAL DAY Begin saying Ve'tein Tal Umatar at Maariv on Sunday, December 4.

Around the OU
OU Criticizes Former President Trump for Hosting Kanye West and Nick Fuentes
OU Criticizes Former President Trump for Hosting Kanye West and Nick Fuentes
Orthodox Union

The OU strongly criticized former President Trump for recently hosting Kanye West and Nick Fuentes at Mar-a-Lago.

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Jewish Allies Call Trump's Dinner With Antisemites a Breaking Point
Jewish Allies Call Trump's Dinner With Antisemites a Breaking Point
Jonathan Weisman

OU EVP Rabbi Moshe Hauer is quoted in this New York Times article discussing reactions to former President Trump's guest list this past week.

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Rabbi Moshe Hauer Honored as One of Algemeiner's J100
Rabbi Moshe Hauer Honored as One of Algemeiner's J100
The Algemeiner

Congratulations to our EVP, Rabbi Moshe Hauer, who was honored this week by being selected to The Algemeiner's annual "J100" list of the top 100 people positively influencing Jewish life.

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Yachad NJ's Knot Your Typical Fundraiser
Yachad NJ's Knot Your Typical Fundraiser

For his bar mitzvah chesed project, Gavriel decided to collect gently-worn shoes that have been sitting in closets just taking up space.

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Picking a Winner
Picking a Winner
Maury Litwack

There is an art or science in politics of predicting winners and losers. To get an idea of how it works, let's examine the current prognostications for the White House.

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OU-JLIC Hosts High School Guidance Counselor Conference
OU-JLIC Hosts High School Guidance Counselor Conference

Over 40 advisors from the Metropolitan area and beyond attended OU-JLIC's High School Guidance Counselor Conference this past November at the OU's headquarters in Manhattan.

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Teach NYS Hosts Inaugural Member School Summit
Teach NYS Hosts Inaugural Member School Summit
Teach NYS

Teach NYS welcomed over 75 heads of schools, executive directors and school administrators from over 45 New York Jewish day schools and yeshivot at its inaugural Summit on November 29.

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Siyum on Sefer Yechezkel
Siyum on Sefer Yechezkel
Women's Initiative

Watch the Women's Initiative's Sefer Yechezkel Siyum with Mrs. Reena Fohrman.

Watch Now
Estate and Elder Care Panning in 2023 and Beyond
Estate and Elder Care Panning in 2023 and Beyond

On Tuesday, December 6, Elizabeth Forspan, Esq., of Forspan Klear LLP will discuss the critical issues those involved in estate and elder care planning should consider.

Register Now
Got a Story?
Got a Story?
Jewish Action

Jewish Action is collecting brief stories (400-500 words) of "everyday kindness"—seemingly small acts of kindness that are not so small after all. Submissions may appear in our next online newsletter!

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Nissim Black in Fair Lawn, NJ
Nissim Black in Fair Lawn, NJ
Tachlis Media

Hear about Nissim's inspiring Jewish journey in Fair Lawn, NJ, on December 3 when he's interviewed by Jeff Cohen for the OU's Saturday to Shabbos podcast.

Register Here
Discussion of Top Issues for NY's Diverse Interfaith Community
Discussion of Top Issues for NY's Diverse Interfaith Community
Teach NYS

Join us on December 13 when OU EVP Rabbi Moshe Hauer and OU Managing Director of Public Affairs Maury Litwack will be speaking at an event that will bring together political and community leaders who are working to enhance the contributions of diverse communities of faith.

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JAcademy Visits 40 Rector
JAcademy Visits 40 Rector
Orthodox Union

JAcademy is a gap-year program that serves European university students ages 18-25. Eleven students from Greece, Ukraine, Spain and Germany came to Orthodox Union headquarters in New York this week to hear from a number of inspiring OU leaders, including EVP Rabbi Dr. Josh Joseph, General Counsel Rachel Sims and OU Women's Initiative Director Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman.

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Marketing for Your Nonprofit: Expense or Investment?
Marketing for Your Nonprofit: Expense or Investment?
Orthodox Union

Join the OU and TribeWorks Events on Wednesday, December 7, for a session on nonprofit leadership and a roundtable discussion in Staten Island, NY. Use discount code TRIBEWORKSDISCOUNT82 when registering for a special price.

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Torah Initiatives Presents Parsha Trivia and Sweepstakes!
Torah Initiatives Presents Parsha Trivia and Sweepstakes!
Torah Initiatives

Enjoy a great Shabbos seudah activity by solving these parsha questions, with the chance to win a prize if you answer all the questions correctly!

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Effective Criticism
Effective Criticism
Rabbi Moshe Hauer

All of us occasionally find ourselves in situations where we may need to offer constructive criticism.

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Makom and Maariv
Makom and Maariv
Rabbi Menachem Genack

Why does the Torah use the name "makom" to refer to God in the context of the maariv prayer?

Read in Hebrew
The Stone on the Well—Boulder or Pebble?
The Stone on the Well—Boulder or Pebble?
Rabbi Norman Lamm ztz"l

When a man thinks that a particular task is impossible, for him it becomes impossible.

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Questions About Conversion
Questions About Conversion
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

Do both men and women convert? Is having Jewish DNA sufficient? How do they perform the… you know…. More real Q&A!

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How the Light Gets In
How the Light Gets In
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

Why are we defined by our relationship to Yaakov rather than Avraham, Yitzchak, Noach or Moshe?

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