Thursday, December 15, 2022

Fwd: Meeting on Antisemitism Recap; Moral Strength; Chanukah Inspiration

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Dec 15, 2022, 7:37 PM
Subject: Meeting on Antisemitism Recap; Moral Strength; Chanukah Inspiration
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OU Holds Urgent Meeting on Antisemitism in NYC
OU Holds Urgent Meeting on Antisemitism in NYC
Orthodox Union

Earlier this week, the OU held an urgent meeting on Antisemitism in New York City with DHS Secretary Mayorkas, Sen. Schumer, Gov. Hochul and Mayor Adams.

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Can We Count on You?
Can We Count on You?
Teach Coalition

Teach Coalition is the leading voice for nonpublic schools. Our sole mission is to ensure an affordable, safe, and quality Jewish education through equitable government funding. Next week is our 48-hour Giving Day Campaign.

Donate Here
8 Days of Inspiration — Chanukah 5783
8 Days of Inspiration — Chanukah 5783
Orthodox Union

Enhance your Chanukah at, featuring our 8 Under 8 series, which will feature a short dvar Torah for each night of Chanukah, a new video halacha series from OU Kosher, recipes for the chag, Chanukah FAQs and more.

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PARSHAT VAYEISHEV December 16-17, 2022 / 23 Kislev 5783


HAFTARAH Amos 2:6-3:8


THIS SHABBAT Mevarchim HaChodesh for the month of Tevet


SPECIAL DAYS Chanukah begins Sunday night, December 18. Rosh Chodesh Tevet is celebrated on Shabbat, December 23.

Around the OU
New Interagency Task Force to Combat Antisemitism
New Interagency Task Force to Combat Antisemitism
Orthodox Union

The OU welcomed President Biden's establishment of an interagency task force to combat antisemitism.

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Keep a Safe 8 Days
Keep a Safe 8 Days
Orthodox Union

Read through these important Chanukah fire safety tips before the holiday begins next week.

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Chanukah Gifts at OU Press
Chanukah Gifts at OU Press
OU Press

Illuminate someone's Chanukah with these pre-selected gifts from OU Press.

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Interfaith Discussion Video Recap
Interfaith Discussion Video Recap
Orthodox Union

This past week, Teach NYS, along with City & State hosted "Building Bridges" — a discussion of top issues for New York's diverse interfaith community. The event featured a variety of notable speakers from the Catholic, Islamic and Jewish communities including our EVP Rabbi Moshe Hauer and our Managing Director Maury Litwack.

Watch a Recap of the Event Here
OU Member Exclusive Event
OU Member Exclusive Event
Orthodox Union

Become an OU member and gain access to "Anatomy of a Sin: Yosef. Windows. & Chanukah," a Chanukah lecture with Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin on December 21. Don't miss out, become an OU member today!

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Before You Move Forward, Hash Out Your Differences
Before You Move Forward, Hash Out Your Differences
Maury Litwack

"One of the hardest lessons I learned as a public advocate came almost a decade ago in New Jersey. I was pushing an education bill that seemed to be flying toward passage. Victory was within our grasp…."

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Mishnah Yomi Siyum
Mishnah Yomi Siyum
Orthodox Union

OU Torah Initiatives hosted a siyum marking six years of studying Mishnah Yomi.

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Meet the Navigator
Meet the Navigator
Community Projects and Partnerships

The Navigator is the Jewish help desk for non-emergency situations. Have a personal or communal need? The OU can connect you to the right people via our immense network of partners, friends and resources – synagogues, non-profit organizations, businesses, community leaders and a professional staff involved in all areas of Jewish life.

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Torah Initiatives Parsha Trivia and Sweepstakes
Torah Initiatives Parsha Trivia and Sweepstakes
Torah Initiatives

Solve these parsha questions, with the chance to win a prize if you answer a bonus question correctly. Congratulations to last week's parsha trivia winner, Shimon Pincus.

Read Trivia Questions
Moral Strength
Moral Strength
Rabbi Moshe Hauer

Our environment poses a constant challenge with regard to our morality, specifically with regard to the core Jewish values of modesty and sanctity in the intimate realm.

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When History Has Its Eyes on You
When History Has Its Eyes on You
Rabbi Menachem Genack

The midrash tells us that although Reuven saved Yosef from his brothers, had he known that the Torah would record his actions he would have acted differently. What implication does this have for our own actions?

Read in Hebrew
Fire or Light? The Great Chanukah Debate
Fire or Light? The Great Chanukah Debate
Rabbi Aaron Goldscheider

Adding a new Chanukah candle every night tells us that we must endeavor to increase our light and spread it throughout the world.

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Questions Involving Women
Questions Involving Women
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

Why do women cover their eyes when lighting Shabbos candles? Do women have to tie the left shoe first? Are men "worth" more?

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How to Change the World
How to Change the World
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

We can make a difference, and it is potentially immense. That should be our mindset, always.

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No Favorites on Chanukah!
No Favorites on Chanukah!
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

Envy is surely one of the most insidious of human emotions. It is a self-destructive emotion, because it often leads a person to act against his own best interests.

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Women's Initiative Weekly Parsha Series
Women's Initiative Weekly Parsha Series
Dr. Chana Tannenbaum

We are all actors on God's stage.

Listen Now
Featured Books
The Covenant Kitchen: Food and Wine for the New Jewish Table
The Covenant Kitchen: Food and Wine for the New Jewish Table
OU Press

In The Covenant Kitchen, Jeff and Jodie Morgan share their favorite recipes and — in a first for a kosher cookbook — detailed suggested wine pairings.

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Festivals of Faith: Reflections on the Jewish Holidays
Festivals of Faith: Reflections on the Jewish Holidays
OU Press

Festivals of Faith: Reflections on the Jewish Holidays is a collection of Rabbi Norman Lamm ztz"l's thoughts on the Jewish holidays culled principally from his sermons and divrei Torah delivered while he was rabbi of the Jewish Center in New York City.

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NCSY Positions
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All OU Positions
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