Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Fwd: Moving on from Chanuka

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From: YUTorah <office@yutorah.org>
Date: Tue, Dec 27, 2022, 11:01 AM
Subject: Moving on from Chanuka
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

New on YUTorah this Week

Yeshiva University

Center for the Jewish Future

December 27-January 2 • Tevet 3-9

This learning on the site this week was sponsored:

by Marcelle Agus & family in memory of Edith M. Agus (Ita Chaya bat Yosef Shimon) z'l, whose yahrtzeit is on the 3rd of Tevet and Anne K. Appel (Chana bat Menachem Mendel Yitzchak) z"l whose yahrtzeit is on the 4th of Tevet

by Jay R Shayevitz to mark the yahrtzeit of his parents, Sadie Coleman Shayevitz & Dr Abraham Shayevitz

by Michael & Jackie Lebovic for a refuah shleimah for hana bas Leah

by Solomon Monderer for a refuah shleimah for Leora bat Rifka

for a refuah shleimah for Yehuda Baruch Noam ben Tova Batya betoch shar cholei Yisrael

in memory of PRZ - Reb Zeilig Z'L and Bobby Lola Z'L, and Zeidy Benci z"l

by the Cohen, Kraut and Silver families in memory of Elaine Bienenfeld Silver z"l

by Eric Goldstein in loving memory of his mother, Blanche Goldstein, Etta Brana bat Yizchak z"l

in memory of Hindu & Pinchas Chaimovitz, and Batya Gitel bat Moshe Aaron%26lt;

by Peter Merker in memory of Morris Denker, Moshe ben Pesach

by the Katzman family of Great Neck , NY in memory of Hedy Forspan z"l on her 21st Yahrzheit on 4th night of Chanukah

New This Week

Rabbi Eliyahu Ben-Chaim

The Light of Torah in Our Community

Why is a mitzvah compared to a candle where Torah is compared to a light? (In Hebrew)

Listen Now
Rabbi Shua Katz

The Mitzvah of Kiddush: Sanctifying and Distinguishing Shabbos

The nature of the mitzvah of kiddush and related practical issues, including whether saying "good shabbos" suffices for kiddush and whether wine is necessary for kiddush.

Listen Now
Rabbi Etan Schnall

The Chanuka Takeaway for Everyday

The meaning of the custom of saying  Mizmor Shir Chanukas Habayis L'Dovid and what it teaches us for the rest of the year.

Listen Now
Rabbi Eliav Silverman

How much money does one need to spend on mitzvot?

Why would there be limits on how much one is allowed to spend?

Listen Now
Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Weinberg

A Hug and a Kiss for the Long Road to Redemption

Messages from Zos Chanuka to keep us going on the long road still ahead.

Listen Now

Featured This Week


Leftover Oil and Candles from Chanuka

Now that Chanuka is over, what is the proper way to dispose of the leftover candles? Can they be used for mundane purposes? Can they be thrown out?

Browse the Shiurim

Asara B'Tevet shiurim on YUTorah

Gain a deeper understanding of the significance of Asara B'Tevet, with shiurim on the laws, customs and lessons of this day of national mourning.

Browse the Shiurim

Tanach in a Day

Enjoy the recordings from the recent day of learning with the YU Torah Mitzion Zichron Dov Beit Midrash of Toronto

Browse the Shiurim

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