Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel of Illinois 12 Kislev, 5783/December 6, 2022

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From: Agudah <info@agudahil.org>
Date: Tue, Dec 6, 2022, 5:16 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel of Illinois 12 Kislev, 5783/December 6, 2022
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

December 6, 2022 | 12 Kislev, 5783

  • Online registration for vote by mail is now open! Scroll down for more information and how to enroll.

  • There is an important new municipal position that will be on the ballot for the first time. See below to find out how this will impact our community and the upcoming election.

  • On Monday evening, Alderman Samantha Nugent met with some community leaders. See below to read more about the meeting.

  • At the recent Agudah Convention in Stamford, Rabbi Shlomo Soroka spoke about school choice in states controlled by the Democratic Party. See below to read more and to watch the discussion.

  • The STC Springfield trips came to a conclusion with our last trip on Wednesday, November 30th. Scroll down to read the feedback we received from one of our volunteers.

  • Pirchei announces two new Mishnas Shabbos shiur locations. See below for more details.

  • During the last month, a record number of new books have reached the bookcases of the Antonia Spitzer Jewish Library. See below to read more about the growth of our library.

Upcoming Elections and Chicago Police District Councils

Chicago's Mayoral and Aldermanic election is on February 28, but there's also an important new municipal position that will be on the ballot for the first time. Each of Chicago's 22 police districts will have "District Councils" whose members can influence how resources for public safety and law enforcement are allocated. Candidates are primarily part of one of two camps: those in favor of more law enforcement resources and tools for officers to keep streets safe, and those who firmly believe CPD has victimized certain communities, don't trust police, and would like to see funding redirected towards alternative holistic plans. Needless to say, this new position makes the upcoming election even more important. Community members Mr. Mitchell Rose (District 24, West Rogers Park) and Rabbi Simcha Adelman (District 17, Peterson Park and Albany Park) have filed to run.   

The Chicago Board of Elections just opened its Vote By Mail application. Agudath Israel's Concierge service is here to assist you in the process so that you can vote from the comfort of your home for this and all future elections. 60 seconds can save you hours!

Right now, this form is applicable to Chicago residents only. Information for Suburban Cook County residents will be forthcoming.

For questions, please reach out to Beth Bassman:

Email: bbassman@agudahil.org | Call: 773.279.8400 ext. 261.

Community Meeting with Alderman Nugent

Clockwise from front: Rabbi Dovid Schnell, Rabbi Shmuel Tennenbaum, Rabbi Yisroel Gluck, Rabbi Yehoshua Hoffman, Rabbi Ari Dienna, Rabbi Shlomo Soroka, Rabbi Nosson Dubovick, Rabbi Sholom Fishbane, Mrs. Bracha Schnell, Rebbitzen Sara Neuman, Mrs. Batsheva Schnell, Ald. Nugent, Adam Roberts, Rabbi Ari Strulowitz

Alderman Samantha Nugent, whose ward (39) includes Albany Park and parts of Peterson Park, met with some community leaders on Monday evening. The productive conversation included a discussion about community growth in general, and yeshivos in particular, as enrollment is climbing rapidly in both new and older venerable Torah institutions. Public safety and increasing resources for law enforcement was also discussed.

School Choice Discussion at the Agudah Convention

Click the above image to watch the discussion

At the recent Agudah Convention in Stamford, Rabbi Shlomo Soroka spoke about school choice in states controlled by the Democratic Party. The panel, titled "Parental Rights in Education: Under Attack or Expanding," included a number of Agudah's legislative directors addressing different important aspects of Jewish education across the country.

STC Springfield Trips

The STC Springfield trips came to a conclusion with our last trip on Wednesday, November 30th. Thank you to the hundreds of volunteers who made the effort to go down to Springfield. Although no vote was taken yet, our voice was heard and our presence felt. The positive attention we received from elected officials reminded them how vital the program is. Our efforts to extend the bill will be ongoing through "Lame Duck Session" in January, when it can be easier to pass bills and address other unresolved issues. The feedback we received from our volunteers was also very positive.

"I was in Rabbi Soroka's group today and he immediately laid out the plans, like an experienced general briefing his troops with the battleplan. His group was to go to the House first, while the other group was to head to the Senate; both would grab the ears of as many legislators on the way as possible.

As we encountered senators and representatives, he asked them for a moment, and with a magnificent blend of respect and skillful assertiveness, explained why our group of 35 spent seven hours on a bus in order to come - and asked if he could count them as a definite "yes" in supporting STC. And we did see some who were previously opposed, change to firmly commit their support. As we walked, he texted legislators statistics about the impact of STC to their districts and requested they meet with us. Watching Rabbi Soroka was an amazing experience.

Agudas Yisroel of Illinois is an amazing organization. And not just the leaders who have a public facing role. The talent and passion are equally shared by the less visible (but no less important) office staff who provide critical support, organize special events, create professional marketing materials and emails, and keep the finances in order. The result is consistent and genuine קידוש שם שמים. May you all be זוכה to continue in your special roles as עוסקים בצרכי ציבור באמונה."

Click Here to email your legislators directly and express how important this program is to you

Pirchei Mishnas Shabbos

While there is always a large amount of new books available before a Yom Tov, there is usually a lull in new publications following a Yom Tov. This has not been the case this year, with a record number of new books reaching the bookcases of the Antonia Spitzer Jewish Library during the last month.

All told, at least 5-6 dozen new books, ranging from children's comics to teen/adult novels and from parenting advice to biographies were purchased, processed as fast as possible, put on the library shelves – and taken out by library users, seemingly a few seconds later!

Library membership also continues to grow each week as more and more parents come to realize the importance and benefits of providing their families with meaningful Jewish reading material.

The library hours are: Sunday 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Wednesday 5:45 pm - 7:45 pm and Thursday 10 am - 12:00 pm.

Our librarian, Mrs. Ahuvah Schneider, can be reached at Librarian@agudah.org. The direct phone number during library hours is 773.279.8400 ext. 270.

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