Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Fwd: This Weeks Sichos

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From: Hakhel Project Likkutei Sichos <>
Date: Wed, Dec 28, 2022, 6:40 PM
Subject: This Weeks Sichos
To: Yaakov <>

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Hey Teves

In honor of the victory of the sefarim, Project Likkutei Sichos is launching a membership drive to enable chassidim around the world to enrich their lives with the timeless messages of Likkutei Sichos. Strengthen your Hiskashrus | Unite with Chassidim Worldwide | Make the Rebbe Proud!

Please forward this email to ten friends and encourage them to join the movement. 


Sicha #1: חלק טו • טבת

Sicha Summary

by R' Eli Block 

Sicha Poem

by Mrs. Chanie Gourarie

I'm Shook Podcast

Girls Edition Podcast

Farbrengen on the Sicha

Podcast by R' Yossi Serebryanski

Meaningful Minute

by R' Mendel Lipskier

60 Second  Reel

by R' Shmuli Nachlas

60 Second Reel

by Mrs. Rivky Slonim

90 Seconds Reel

by R' Ari Shishler

Sicha #2: חלק טו • ויגש • שיחה ג

Sicha Summary

by R' Eli Block 

Farbrengen on the Sicha

Podcast by R' Yossi Serebryanski

60 Second Reel

by Mrs. Rivky Slonim

Sicha Story

by R' Yossi Nemes

Feature of the Week

Our bookshelves are filled with Chassidus – but what about our minds and hearts? That's where Project Likkutei Sichos comes in. With our practical learning schedule and engaging resources for all, learning Chassidus has never been easier. It's time to get involved.

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