Thursday, January 19, 2023

Fw: Can you help us?

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From: "Project Likkutei Sichos" <>
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Sent: Thu, Jan 19, 2023 at 2:06 PM
Subject: Can you help us?
Can you help us?
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Dear friends,

Project Likkutei Sichos will soon embark on our annual (*paam achas) fundraiser as we start year 4 of the project. 

We have no office and major staff running the operation yet a gezunter **budget. Once a year turn to you for help. Now ten days before we launch the campaign, we are looking for help in three ways.

1. Matchers: 
Our annual budget is $540,000. Our campaign will be for $500k. We are looking for $250K in matching funds. We Baruch Hashem have a group of 16 donors who collectively have already committed to $180k over the year. We would be grateful if you can join our group of matchers with the participation of 5k, 10k, 15k, 20k or more. PARTICIPATE >>

2. Teams: 

We Baruch Hashem have about 35 teams already committed. If you, your friends, shiur, class, or chvrusa can make a team, we would be very grateful. We have a team's WhatsApp and will share lots of resources with you to share with your network. JOIN TEAMS GROUP >>

3. Influencers:
If you have a following on social media, WhatsApp, in your store or anywhere you can help spread the message of Project Likkutei Sichos we would embrace your help. The message this Yud shvat is... Join the project and learn with us also Give money. BE A PLS INFLUENCER >>

If you can help with any of these three, please reach out.

Thank you kindly.
Team - Project Likkutei Sichos

*for more info on paamachas learn sicha 3 this week:-)
** donors who would like to review the budget, please reach out and we will email it to you.

Dedicated by Rabbi Shloimy and Mirele Greenwald
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