Monday, January 30, 2023

Fwd: Living Tehillim by Rabbanit Rivka Segal featured on JM in the AM

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From: Nachum Segal <>
Date: Mon, Jan 30, 2023, 2:03 PM
Subject: Living Tehillim by Rabbanit Rivka Segal featured on JM in the AM
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NSN / JM in the AM Weekly Newsletter                                                  
January 30, 2023

Today on JM in the AM:

Tomorrow on JM in the AM:
  • Elliot Weiselberg presents The weekly JM in the AM Yeshiva League Sports Update. Tune in for the latest news and highlights from the Yeshiva Leagues. (7:20 a.m. ET)
  • Nachum interviews Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman about the OU's Nach Yomi Siyum and the launch of the "Tehillim150" program by the OU Women's Initiative. (8:00 a.m. ET)
  • Nachum conducted the Weekly Update with Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations: Click here
  • Nachum was joined by YU Macs Basketball Coach Elliot Steinmetz to discuss the 2022-23 basketball season: Click here
  • Nachum interviewed Leah and Roy Neuberger about the new ArtScroll publication, "From Sinai to Yerushalayim: Our Jewish Journey Continues: The Story of Roy and Leah Neuberger," written by Rabbi Nachman Seltzer: Click here
  • Nachum was joined by Willie Hochman and David Gantshar, CEO & Owner of Shepherd Search Group, to discuss Shepherd recently acquiring The Joel Paul GroupClick here
  • Nachum interviewed Givati Brigade Association (GBA) Chairman Itzhak Levit in advance of the Association's 40th anniversary celebration of the reconstitution of the Givati Brigade: Click here
  • Nachum hosted Simmy Allen, Head of the International Media Section, Communications Division at Yad Vashem, to discuss their new display, "The Yad Vashem Book of Names of Holocaust Victims." Click here
  • Check out all of our great NSN program archives HERE.
  • Do you have a friend who would love JM in the AM and NSN? Forward them this newsletter and remind them how easy it is to listen (NSNApp,, 605.562.4400). 

This Week on NSN:
  • On this week's edition of JM Sunday, Mattes Weingast presented great Jewish music, the latest news from Israel and Morning Chizuk with Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser.
  • On this week's After Further Review, Yoni Pollak and Yeshiva League Sports Commissioner Seth Gordon recapped the AFC and NFC Championship games and the latest in the NBA.
  • Yeshiva League Sports has returned to JM in the AM! Elliot Weiselberg presents the Yeshiva League Sports Update every Tuesday morning on JM in the AM. Tune in for the latest news concerning the yeshiva leagues. (7:20 a.m. ET)
  • Nachum interviews Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman about the OU's Nach Yomi Siyum and the launch of the "Tehillim150" program by the OU Women's Initiative. (8:00 a.m. ET)
  • Make sure to tune in on Thursday nights at 10:00 p.m. ET for Tani Talks Parsha with Tani Guterman on NSN. In every episode Tani shares a quick thought about the parsha of the week with some practical lessons to keep.
  • Tune in on Friday morning for the latest news concerning Israel and the Jewish community around the world with Nachum and Malcolm Hoenlein in the return of The Weekly Update. (7:40 a.m. ET)
  • Do you have a friend who would love JM in the AM and NSN? Forward them this newsletter and remind them how easy it is to listen (NSNApp,, 605.562.4400).    
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